HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 05-06 Presidential freeze hits park projects DISPATCH Presidential freeze hits parkprojects By BETSY BECKER governmental unit finding itself LOCAL COMMUNITIES Staff Writer Ma piewood apparently out federal park elude Inver Grove Heights win A $120,000 park project in - funds. had applied for a grant towarc Maplewood appears to have been Congress overrides the presi- In Minnesota, it will mean a $200,000 project for its Vall interrupted by a presidential dent, we won't be able to get it cutback of $5.2 million in alio Park. Rosemount sought mon freeze on 1980. done." cated federal funds, unless Con- for a $114,700 outlay in Coma federal park The city had planned installa- gress reverses the president. nity Park. funds. tion of field lights, soccer field Ramsey County was looki '' CityMana- A TOTAL OF 66 local ark development, parking improve- p for federal assistance for ger Barry Ev ments and bike trail construe projects throughout the state ''" ans lamented will feel the cut. White Bear Lake access proje $ , 1i tion. Half of the money was to that is estimated to tot last week: come from the federal Land and And state Department of Nat- $192,500. St. Paul had two ri <."This will put Water Conservation grant pro- ural Resources park projects ects totaling an estimate Y „us behind our gram (LAWCON). will be affected by the freeze, $266,500. �' ,schedule for but probably not until 1981, ac- .t North Hazel- The city and state would have cording to Bob Johnson of the LAWCON grants traditional ',' wood Park matched it with$30,000 each. DNR. Projects in Afton and Wil- cover half the cost of a proje improvements. Evans said he didn't know if Liam O'Brien state parks and ac- with the rest coming from sta Evans We had hoped the city would try to do some of quistion of easements for the and local sources. to have the soccer field ready for the park work anyhow. Lower St. Croix River Recre- Not all states are affected 1 the season in September. ational Riverway will be "OBVIOUSLY, now, even if But Maplewood isn't the only involved. See Parks,Page 2(E) ...,..• ..aNuILn Tues.,May 6, '8C Parks: Projects hit by 1 freeze Continued from Page 1(E) president said that any grant ap- act on the order or overrides it in ranks them. plications that were not in to the 45 days, the funds will be the freeze. Johnson said that Illi- federal government and ap- restored,he said. Metropolitan area applica- nois received 87 percent of what proved already would not be con- tions are reviewed by the Metro- it applied for because its appli- sidered, according to Hanson. "WE'RE IN LIMBO" Hanson politan Council as well. All ap- cations were in before the Presi- This is because 50 percent of the added: "We're trying to be opti- plications are reviewed by the dent's mid-April notice. LAWCON appropriation already mistic. We hope the funding will Legislative Commission on Minnesota's applications were was granted to other states. be restored." Minnesota's Resources too. two weeks away from submis- President Carter's action is a Sion, according to Jeff Hanson, a recommendation to Congress to The application procedure is The agency is processing ap- ;tate Planning Agency grants cancel 50 percent: of all the fed- almost a year-long process, he plications now for the 1981 fiscal said. Local applications first ar- year, Hanson said. Deadline for administrator. eral LAWCON grants. rive in the spring at the state those preliminary applications In order to enact the cut, the However, if Congress does not level. The state reviews and was Friday.