HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 10-15 Tempers flare up over fire department budgets THE REVIEW VOLUME 19,NUMBER 23 Publication#328680 /eevi,t) Maplewood, Minnesota .-ea.- Single Copy 301 WED„OCT. 15,1980 Tempers flare up over fire department budgets emergency rescue services with outside responded East County Line Fire Chief "I feel like we are subsidizing Oakdale. "Then you're telling me it takes$30,000 "It doesn't bother me.It means I don't By MARY LEE HAGERT communities. Robert Bade. Maplewood gives more money to the more for East County Line to maintain have to get out of bed to answer the calls," "I'LL BET YOU$5 they(East County Bastian asked the fire chief to respond department than Oakdale and yet the their buildings over Gladstone," Juker responded the Gladstone assistant chief. A proposal to slash the East County Line) are going to ask Oakdale and to Juker's statement and budget cutting number of fire runs in each city is about told Nelson. Bodsgaard said, "At one time we Line Fire Department budget by$15,000 Landfall for increases and then they will proposal the same. "I'm leaving that up to the contractors (Parkside) were thinking about con- caused tempers to flare up at the Oct.6 have even more money next year,Why "I haven't had a chance to review any "I just can't see us paying for their to decide,"Nelson stated. tracting with Roseville.It doesn't bother Maplewood City Council meeting. should they be getting so much more than of the figures that Mrs.Juker is referring (Oakdale's)fire service.They are using Thor Bodsgaard,administrative chief me one bit that East County Line con- After the fire chiefs from the three Gladstone Department, which also to.We had no communication with the our trucks to fight fires in Oakdale.Why of Parkside Fire Department, in- tracts with Oakdale. Maplewood fire departments vented their operates two stations?"Juker wondered. city that this was going to be discussed,so should we help out Oakdale when they are terjected, that in addition to operating "You forget the number of hours we put anger about the budget cut idea, the East County Line serves southern I wasn't able to prepare anything ahead of paying less than half the price we are?" their own station,East County Line is in on just fire prevention activities alone. council members turned down Coun- Maplewood,Landfall and southern Oak- time,"Bade stated. Juker asked. organizing and outfitting volunteers for Last week I gave up going to my church cilwoman Fran Juker's proposal on a 4 to dale. Like the other departments in When the second fire station in the new station. on Sunday so I could conduct a practice 1 vote. Maplewood, it is an independent, HE CONTINUED, "We provide ser- Maplewood opens later this year,the East. "They(East County Line)are working fire drill at another church." Even with her suggested budget cut, volunteer organization.East County Line vices to Maplewood on par with the other County Line will have a big increase in with their own capital to provide pagers, Juker stated the East County Line Fire has members from Maplewood and Oak- departments and feel we should be paid Maplewood calls,Bade said. uniforms and equipment for that station. COUNCILMAN NORMAN ANDERSON Department will receive $16,000 more dale, on par.Why does the city feel that our He said,from Sept.1,1978 to Aug.31, They have come begging us for our old added, "After listening to all the fire than the other fire departments in the The department owns its present services should be cheaper than the 1979,the department made 296 fire and stuff to use until they can get new chiefs speak,I wonder if we are going to city. building at 1177 N. Century 'Ave., others?" emergency calls in Maplewood, 234 in equipment,"Bodsgaard said. discourage people in the future from Under the 1981 budget approved by the Maplewood. A second station is being Tom Kansier, assistant chief of the Oakdale and 46 in Landfall.The depart- "But,there is$31,000 in ourbudget for joining. People will say, 'Hey, I don't council,East County Line will receive built with Maplewood funds at the in- Gladstone Department,told the council ment had 53 mutual aid runs,which were equipping the new station,"Juker pointed want to volunteer for this outfit'," $168,244 from Maplewood. That will be tersection of Lower Afton Road and that the budget for the three Maplewood primarily in Maplewood. out. The mayor added, "The three fire supplemented by funds from Oakdale, Londin Lane.The new station will open fire departments is worked on by all the chiefs work together on their budget,and which gave the department$53,400 last soon and will be operated by the East chiefs."We come up with a dollar value COUNCILMAN EARL NELSON voiced "THAT DOESN'T COVER everything I hate to see this broken up because of year and Landfall, which contributed County Line Fire Department. we need individually. If a dollar his support of the fire departments and and it won't be given to us until Jan.1, this." about$5,000. "I would also like to know whether discrepancy exists,we discuss it." their budgets. 1981.We need the equipment right now Bastian stated he believed the depart- The Gladstone Fire Department,which we're(Maplewood)pumping taxpayers' Juker explained that part of the reason "The number of calls answered don't because the new station is opening up ments were doing a good job as evidenced also mans the Hazelwood Fire Station, money into a fire service corporation.Do for her suggestion to cut East County mean a damn thing.It doesn't have any sooner than we expected.We are having by the lowering of fire insurance rates for will receive $195,264 from Maplewood, you do an audit?" Councilman Gary Line's allocation by$15,000 was because relationship with the budget. They still to borrow money and paying interest to Maplewood commercial businesses.But, and Parkside Fire Department will get Bastian asked the fire chiefs. she believes some of Maplewood's money have to have equipment,a building and purchase this equipment,"Bade said. he continued,he hoped the fire depart- $125,975 in city funds.These departments "We do and it is available to anyone is used by the department while fighting money to maintain the building,"Nelson Councilman Nelson added, "We are ments would be able to answer the do not contract their volunteer fire and who wants to see it at the fire station," fires in Oakdale. stated. getting a great deal of value from the fire council's questions about how the money departments.They contract with the city is spent in future years. and it's not our purpose to look behind it." Juker said,she also thought the fire "Do the other departments have any departments were doing a "fantastic animosity about East County Line sup- job."Her main point,she explained,was plying services to Oakdale?" asked that each department should get a fair Mayor John Greavu. budget appropriation from the city.