HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 07-29 Council OKs utility project DISPATCH Council OKs Q's � utility pro jectL�4 ,Q• By BETSY BECKER , federal money it may have to as- Staff Writer secs the landowners along South- lawn,he explained. The Maplewood City Council Realty Development Services, recently approved a street and Inc.,is doing the housing project. utility project to serve a pro- Richard C. Bienapfl, president, posed subsidized housing devel- said this week that he hopes con- opment. struction begins this fall. But it took two votes before The townhouse project was ap- the council's approval came on proved in Febrary, 1979, but the estimated $336,700 street with requirements for upgrading and utility project for Southlawn Radatz Avenue. However,when Avenue south of Beam Avenue. landowners along Radatz pro- CONSTRUCTION OF South- tested at hearings this winter, lawn will allow a 57-unit family the council agreed to drop the townhouse development to go in Radatz project and make South- south of Radatz Avenue. lawn an access to the town- houses.Initially, the street project failed although it passed with a 3 to 2 majority. A four-fifths ap- proval was necessary. Mayor John Greavu and Coun- cilman Gary Bastian voted ag'+inst the project. Council members Fran Juker,Norm An- derson and Earl Nelson support- ed it. Greavu said:"I'm not opposed to low income housing. But I don't want to supply that con- tractor so he can make money off the taxpayer." Bastian said he opposed the project because he was con- cerned about potential drainage problems. He changed his vote later,he said,after balancing the need for low income housing. The street project then was approved by the 4 to 1 margin. THE PROJECT will construct Southlawn Avenue south from Beam Avenue to a cul-de-sac just north of Vale Avenue.And it includes storm and sanitary sewers and water mains. A special underground rock drainage system also will be in- stalled north of some homes on Kohlman Avenue.The system is intended to correct some ground water problems affecting those homes. The estimated $76,000 cost is part of the total project. However, construction of the street and utility project won't begin until the city actually re- ceives a $273,400 federal Com- munity Development block grant for the work. The city expects the grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development as an aid to bring in the subsidized housing. The grant is dependent upon initiation of the subsidized hous- ing project. CITY MANAGER Barry Ev- ans said the city has applied for additional federal funds to pay for the remaining$64,300. If the city receives no extra