HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 11-12 Debate over liquor license for MGM continues THE REVIEW Debate over liquor license for MGM continues A,,,,,,,} /vd v'A' ,9,„ By MARY LEE HAGERT able to hear the matter. Mayor John in the metro area into franchises. violates the city or state statutes. turn it down." application. Greavu pointed out that it may be some Chestnut also will be required to con- "However,I don't think we've hit enough Ken Hill,operator of the Maplewood In other action the council: The debate over whether or not to allow time before Norm Anderson is present,as tribute one percent of his gross sales total on the question of ownership." Wine Cellar,told the council members,"I —Approved an request to give the city's a MGM Liquor Warehouse International he is recuperating from recent open heart to a collective advertising pool. The Mayor Greavu repeatedly voiced his think it's a direct interest as far as I'm tax-exempt status to Hess Kline of Royal franchise to operate in Maplewood is surgery.Also absent from the meeting money will be used to promote mutual opposition to the off-sale liquor license concerned. Datsun Inc.,so he may obtain a$600,000 continuing. was Fran Juker,who was on vacation. sales in all the MGM warehouses. application.Greavu said Maplewood has "I want to know why they(MGM cor- commerical revenue financing note. An off-sale liquor license application by Chestnut hopes to operate his franchise Councilman Gary Bastian questioned had a policy of not allowing its liquor poration)want my store.They sent me a The tax-exempt status means the Dwight Chestnut,a St.Paul construction liquor store in the former Burger Chef Gandrud and Chestnut's attorney, Ron license owners to possess more than one letter and asked me to buy a franchise. federal government will not collect any estimator and project director,to operate building, located at the intersection of Selloff about who will actually own the such license. Under the franchise The advantages they talked about were revenue from the interest profits ac- an MGM franchise liquor store was County Road D and White Bear Avenue, business. agreement,he believes Chestnut will not buying power and advertising.I think that cumulated on these bonds. The tax- scrutinized by the three members of the near Maplewood Mall.Chestnut will be The council members have openly be the sole owner,but instead will be translates into ownership." exempt status will allow Kline to borrow Maplewood City Council at their Nov.9 leasing and remodeling the building, wondered if the MGM corporation might joining with the other MGM stores. Arnold Thomas of Delta Liquor,which money to construct the proposed foreign meeting. which is owned by the Minnesota not more properly be termed the owner He recalls a former council forcing a is located in Maplewood Plaza,said he car dealership at a lower interest rate When it appeared that the application Teachers'Retirement Association. instead of Chestnut. store operator to sell his liquor license in was opposed to Chestnut's liquor license than is being offered on the commercial might be turned down,a MGM attorney, According to Richard Schaller, "I don't think the management of the St.Paul in order to receive a license in application. "They (MGM Warehouse banking market. Gary Gandrud asked to have the matter Maplewood police chief,this is the first business is in the sole discretion of Mr. Maplewood. He also remembers a past Liquor Stores)already have one just up tabled indefinitely. time the council has received an ap- Chestnut,"Bastian told Selloff."It sounds city council denying an application by the road three or four miles.Why would Kline plans to locate the dealership This request came after Gandrud, plication for an off-sale liquor license for like the franchisor (MGM corporation, family members wanting to open a second they want another one so close?" he along the east side of Highway 61 between Chestnut and MGM officials were grilled a franchise business. which is owned by the Magliches) has liquor store in Maplewood. asked. Gervais Avenue and County Road C.The by the council members on the question of Chestnut plans to enter a franchise more discretion in how the business is "I don't know how we can approve this After hearing comments from the business will be required to pay property ownership of the business for more than agreement with MGM Liquor Warehouse managed." one (Chestnut's application), when we liquor store owners,the council members taxes, utility hookup fees and an hour. International,which is owned by Patrick Bastian said the franchise agreement have turned down our own residents for tabled the matter until Chestnut asks to assessments,and all the paperwork fees Additionally, several local private and Terry Maglich.Chestnut will operate calls for the franchisor to control all the off-sale liquor licenses like this one have it placed back on the agenda.All involved in obtaining the commercial liquor store operators voiced their op- with the MGM name and receive business merchandise selection and promotions. because they owned other liquor licenses persons voicing opinions on the ap- revenue financing note. position to Chestnut's liquor license ap- counseling and training, purchasing Also,the interior and and exterior of the in SL Paul. That doesn't seem fair," plication will be notified of the next plication. power and similar things in exchange for building can not be changed without the Greavu said. hearing date. —Granted an off-sale liquor license to The MGM attorney mentioned he might four percent of the gross sales fees. approval of the franchisor. "Situations change and times change," The council members directed their Marvin Charles Koppen of Maplewoods like to have the license application tabled The Magliches are planning to convert Bastian stated he does not believe Bastian stated."If it doesn't violate the staff to research the question of owner- Apartments for Party Time Liquors,1740 until all the members of the council were all six of their MGM Liquor Warehouses Chestnut's application for a liquor license ordinance then I can't see how we can ship of an off-sale franchise liquor license Van Dyke Ave.