HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 12-03 Old city dump cited as potential pollution risk THE REVIEW VOLUME 19,NUMBER 30 Publication#328680 ieQU/ek Maplewood, Minnesota ..te— Single Copy 30` WED.,DEC.3, 1980 Old city dump cited as potential pollution risk The Minnesota Pollution Control All states have been mandated to locate dump sites. correct any present or future problems THE THREE SITES to be studied are Susag explained,"an offer like this can Agency (PCA) has designated an old active and former dump sites in their "I am assuming that if it was a serious resulting from the disposal of solid and the Abresch property, the Brockman no way take away future actions of either Maplewood city dump as a"high priority respective states.Of the some 1,400 sites hazard they (PCA officials) would be liquid wastes." property and the Eberle property. The 3M or the pollution control agency." dump," which has a "high pollution identified in Minnesota, 86 have been contacting us,"Bittner concluded. 3M also presented MPCA three con- properties, located west of the in- One audience member said she at- potential." ranked"top priority."The next 131 have The interest in dump sites in the area ditions which it would like met.They are: tersection of Highways 694 and 5 (for- tended the meeting because she was Major concern about the dump site in been identified as"high priority." was sparked by the evidence of industrial "The state agrees that 3M's com- merly 212), were used by private con- concerned about the northern dump site. the southern Maplewood leg is that Borchard explained that the MPCA has chemical pollutants contaminating well mitment to carry out this study is no way tractors for the disposal of wastes from "My mom and dad said barrels did go in materials in the dump have been entering been working on this project for some water in Oakdale. an admission of responsibility for testing 3M and other companies during the 1950s it,"she noted. the waterway that runs from the site into time and the recent interest in dump sites and-or remedial action with respect to the and early 1960s. Beaver Creek and Beaver Lake. has brought the project to public 3M Company's offer to fund and con- Susag said that"the information we The MPCA has several priority listings awareness.She said the MPCA will be duct a comprehensive$250,000 study of Oakdale sites,and that this letter and Susag noted that in addition to the have is that on that site spoiled product for open dumps in the state. Those continuing its efforts to work with those three industrial waste disposal sites i3M's participation in the study is not funding, 3M would provide, as ap- was burned...daily so it wouldn't be put needing immediate attention are classed responsible for the dumps to take care of Oakdale was well received by that cin ty's admissible in any proceeding as evidence propriate, the services of its technical in the market place."He noted,however, as"top priority."The second category any problems existing at the sites. council Nov.25. of 3M's liabilitystaff and would keep the city council and company records are incomplete and the g ryin connection with this •are the"high priority"dumps which have "We have had preliminary com- The four out of five council members issue.However, nothing shall limit the the MPCA abreast of investigation ac- possibility does exist that other items the high pollution potential,but are not munications with PCA on covering the present unanimously passed a resolution state or the agency from introducing as tivthes. were dumped there. "Soil borings will causing the severe problems of the"topsite and trying toget better drainage.To a rovin the offer and expressing evidence in anyproceedingthe in- show what's there,"he noted. ry g g PP g P g Susag said 3M plans to hire a private priority dumps." my knowledge we don't have any in- thanks to 3M for making such a proposal. formation and data collected as a result of consulting firm to plan and conduct the The former dump has not been used for formation that there is anything other Prior to the vote, Russell Susag, 3M 3M's carrying out the program described study during a six-month period. The IN RELATED DISCUSSION,Oakdale several years.The site is a thin sliver of than normal household refuse there," director of environmental operations, herein. resident,Trudy Achten,6820 35th St.N., highlighted the offer, notingthat theeagency company is hoping to have the con- ofout the well monitoring lanCentu of Avenue e about about hallway bet-road tracks and Bittner stated on Monday. not thhe owner of athe Oakdale es sites.The theat 3M is M is study plan ready for review by system the cuired ity y had previously announced company responded since no conclusions CenturyThe cityengineering office had been could be drawn without an investigation the MPCA and Dec.he31 Minnesota Department ween Stillwater Road and Larpenteur g g g agency shall use its authority, if of Health by ec.31. it would be establishing. Avenue. told by PCA that the site needed grading and no meaningful investigation could be necessary, to gain access for the con- City Administrator Craig Mattson said and better drainage, he said. The city conducted without funding. sultant and 3M to conduct the study. He said the company hopesto have the the citywould probablybe testingwithin The City of Maplewood owns the former poy staff has been hauling its surplus fill Susag stressed that 3M's offer was not "The agency the next two weeks. dump site.Some of the site is finishedg cy shall inform all affected actual field work done during the winter with topsoil and graded,and other parts material to the old dump site and plans to an admission of wrong doing, but in parties of the proposed study and shall months and completed by April 15 with When pressed for a more definite an- are still exposed. The visible junk in- regrade it when it has a chance,he ex- keeping with the corporate position of furnish each a copy of this correspon- the final report in to MPCA by June 30. swer, Mattson noted the council eludes old refrigerators and other planed. community cooperation. dente." "established a policy it will be done a household type refuse,Bill Bittner,city BITTNER SAID that the PCA depart- IN 3M'S PROPOSAL letter to the monthly basis." engineer,said. Ment had not informed him of the"high MPCA,the scope of the geohydrological 3M's offer was accepted by the MPCA SUSAG REITERATED 3M's plans to He did admit that no testing lab has Marge Borchard, public information priority dump"ranking. - study was copeoutliof The study is to Monday.In a letter to the company,Terry keep the city informed about in- been contracted with for testing services, officer for MPCA, said the pollution "At this time,we have been assuming "describe the surficial and subsurface Hoffman, MPCA executive director, wouldation,noting that monthly reports but noted that the lab doing the city's control agency is interested in getting the the dump is a'low priority type thing.I'm geology of the area, describe the soled that the agency understands that would-be submitted in a manner ac- contractual the present time is not under a high priority dumps cleaned up.Although not sure how serious their definition of hydrological s stem in the area,locate this offer only applies to the initial phase ce He noted to the council. contractual a regiment.He said he was these dumps are seldom sites of bazar- high priority is.We thought that the stuff and identify the disposal pits or cells and of the study,and MPCA does not waive the final report is expected to sure the company would continue to do dous wastes, "they still can cause exposed there was not a problem but other possible points of contamination, necthe rightato take whateveraaction may atbe contain fordpr se and-or coal future the city's upcoming testing. pollution problems that can be serious." more of a nuisance,"Bittner said. describe the nature and composition of the sites. Co alleviate any problems at measuresmfr mematerialst or onensit future She explained the cleanuphas been an He surmised that the typethe sties.. problems"from sitete P of pollutants contaminants,determine the impact of Catherine Reynold,public information P Councilman Mike Vruno who attended How long the city will monitor the city on-going process for most of the dumps on leaching into the water would be organic solid and liquid waste on landscape,soils, officer for MPCA,told the Review that wells under the special test program will the high priority list,The list itself was in nature and not the hazardous industrial surface andground water,and recom- the Nov.25 MPCA meeting noted that it 3M's conditions for the offer were ac- was"brought out veryclearlythere were depend on test results during the next few compiled as a federal requirement. chemicals like those found at the Oakdale mend a course of action,if necessary,to cepted with the above understanding. no stings attached." months and the results of 3M's study.