HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 05-07 Reserves boycott rodeo due to handgun dispute THE REVIEW Minnesota '4. Single Copy 30' WED.,MAY 7, 1980 Reserves boycott rodeo, due to handgun dispute By MARY LEE HAGERT said."When none of the reserve officers firing range. of 57 young Maplewood or cadets showed up,I panicked,"Olson Because of the expected high cost of this A groupuBiare still confused about why no stated. She telephoned Mottaz at 6:15 additional training and testing,Schaller bicyclists p.m.;he said he had misunderstood her has suggested the reserves not be reserve police officers and cadets were at and thought the rodeo was Friday. promoted to part-time volunteer officers. their school bike safety rodeo on May 1. When she called the Maplewood police The majority of the reserve officers The reserve officers apparently did not station at 6:30 p.m.,she said the police want to be promoted to part-time so they officiate at the rodeo because they are were unable to provide any regular of- can continue to carry guns. disgruntled about no longer being allowed ficers to officiate at the rodeo because In the past,the reserve officers have to carry their 38-caliber side arms. they were short staffed that evening. ridden in police squad cars.The reserves Richard Schaller, Maplewood public "We waited an hour,from 6 to 7 p.m.for have been asked to back up patrolmen safety director, ordered the officers to the reserve officers to show up.Then I during investigations of domestic stop carrying the guns on May 1,because finally decided to let the parents do the disputes,break-ins,burglaries and other he is concerned that some of the reserve officiating. The parents were satisfied incidents. There have been instances volunteers have not had enough shooting that it was a good rodeo and the kids when the reserve officers have drawn practice recently at the firing ranges. seemed to have benefited from it,"she their guns. The Maplewood police reserves had continued. "I speak for myself and other ones in been armed while staffing the bicycle "However, we felt like they (the the reserve unit in that we don't want to safety rodeos for first through sixth reserves) were using the children as get into a squad car unarmed with a graders at the Maplewood elementary pawns at the last minute." uniform on,I have been in a whole lot of schools during April. The last school She regretted that the officers were not circumstances myself where I would not rodeo was May 1. The district cham- present because"that uniform lends so want to be without a weapon,"the nine- pionship rodeo was conducted May 3 at much credence to the judging.The public year veteran of the reserve force stated. John Glenn Junior High School.A reserve accepts that as authority." It has been suggested that the reserve officer,Sgt.Steve Daley,and four police Her sentiments were echoed by one of officers responsibilities and duties be cadets officiated at the championship the parents who helped organize the modified, since they will no longer be rodeo. Weaver bicycle safety rodeo. having guns. There are 20 adult volunteer reserve Mrs. Gerald King, 1489 Lark Ave., "The different kinds of things they are officers in the Maplewood unit.The police Maplewood,said the children are taught talking about amounts to nothing, like cadet group is comprised of nine students to respect officers, whether they are bike rodeos,"Daley said. He explained age 18 and younger,who are interested in reserves or regular officers.The children the reserve unit was having trouble pursuing careers in law enforcement,The couldn't understand why the officers were recruiting new volunteers.He expected cadets have never carried weapons. not present at the rodeo,she said. this problem to increase if the duties are Both groups are under the direct "It all worked out in the end," King lessened and the guns are permanently supervision of the Maplewood Emergency said."The parent volunteers did a good taken away. Preparedness Office and they wear job. Daley stated the reserves have been uniforms that are similar to those worn by "It's too bad the kids had to be the ones performing a valuable free service to the the regular police officers. caught in the middle of this situation.My community.The reserves have been used According to Daley,who resides at 7181 fifth grader couldn't understand why the to augment the other squads.There have Inwood Court,Cottage Grove,the reserve officers weren't there. They (the been times when the police station is short officers who were scheduled to officiate at children) thought policemen were sup- of staff and there is a real need to have the the Weaver rodeo did not show up because posed to be responsible. reserve unit used as back ups,he added. of a series of misunderstandings and hurt "I guess they(the reserve police)ac- He said the majority of the reserve feelings. complished what they set out to do.There officers want to receive additional "One reason no one showed up was were 50 parents there who didn't know training.According to Daley,the reserves ')ecause they(the reserve officers)didn't what was going on and now they are have requested additional practice time rant to be out there in uniform without aware of the politics of the problem," on the shooting range,but the regular side arms,"Daley explained. King said. patrol officers have not had enough extra "Another reason," he continued, "is Reserve Sgt. Daley said one reserve time to provide them with the training. because of the cool reception we (the officer did attend the rodeo.But when he The reserve unit has its own squad car reserves) are getting from the other saw that none of the cadets or other equipped with radios and emergency regular officers.They have been giving us reserve officers were there,he left,Daley medical equipment. All the reserve of- the cold shoulder and glowering at us said.He did not know if the officer was firers carry advanced first-aid cards,he whenever we show up at the police wearing his uniform. explained. station." - The four cadets who were scheduled to "It is a shame that our squad car has to Daley said,on April 30 the reserve unit staff the rodeo did not show up because sit on the street when it could be saving informed Priscilla Olson, who was in they were under the impression that if someone's life or stopping a burglary,"he charge of the rodeo scheduling,that no "we didn't work, they couldn't work," said. ane was going to be at the Weaver rodeo. Daley explained. Olson said she discussed the staffing Further complicating the issue is a new problem with the reserve officers' state law which says reserve officers in supervisor, Cliff Mottaz, who is large cities cannot be allowed to carry Maplewood emergency preparedness guns,Chief Schaller explained. director.She said,Mottaz had told her he To be allowed to carry weapons the would look into the situation. volunteer reserve officers must be Since she did not hear back from elevated to a part-time status on the Mottaz, Olson said she assumed the regular police force. staffing problem was resolved. To achieve this status they would have When 6 p.m.arrived the night of the to receive the same training and rodeo, there were 57 eager youngsters psychological and physical tests required with their bicycles and parents waiting to of full-time officers.They also would have compete in the bicycle safety rodeo,Olson to shoot their guns regularly at a police