HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 06-22 Public Notices June 22, 2016 MAPLEWOOD REVIEW6/22/2016 Public Notices June 22, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com ORDINANCE 966 An Ordinance Repealing All Provisions of the Currency Exchange Ordinance and Replacing it with New Provisions The Maplewood City Council approves the following revisions to the Maplewood Code of Ordinances: SECTION 1. This section repeals all sections of Chapter 14, Article XII, Division 4, Currency Exchange and replaces them with new sections as follows: DIVISION 4. — CURRENCY EXCHANGE Subdivision I. — In General Sec. 14-801. — Definitions. Forthe purpose of this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings given them: (1) Application. The term "application" includes applications for both new and renewal licenses. (2) Commissioner. The Minnesota Commissioner of Commerce. (3) Currency Exchange Business. Any person, except a bank, trust company, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union or industrial loan and thrift company, engaged in the business of cashing checks, drafts, money orders, or traveler's checks for a fee. A person who provides these services incidental to the person's primary business is not included in the definition if the charge for cashing a check or draft does not exceed one dollar or one percent of the value of the check or draft, whichever is greater. (4) Person. One or more natural persons; a partnership, including a limited partnership; a corporation, including a foreign, domestic, or non-profit corporation; a trust; a political subdivision of the State; or any other business organization. Subdivision II. - License Sec. 14-802. — State License Required. No person may engage in the business of currency exchange in the city without first obtaining a license from the Commissioner as provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A, and without first obtaining a conditional use permit for the permitted zoning district in accordance with Sections 44-512(14) and 44-637(1) of this Code. Sec. 14-803. - License Application Review Procedures. (1) Notice of Application from the Commissioner. Upon receipt of the notice of application from the Commissioner, the city clerkwill requestthe complete application file from the Commissioner's office including any background check reports. The city clerk may request additional information from the applicant at any time during the application review process as deemed necessary. (2) Application Review Fee. Immediately upon the receipt of the notice of application from the Commissioner the city clerk shall send a certified letter to the applicant requesting an application review fee be paid within 15 days of the date on the Commissioner's notice. The fee shall be set by council resolution from time to time and shall be non-refundable. (3) Application Verification. Upon receipt from the Commissioner of a complete application for the currency exchange license, the city clerk will cause to be published in the official newspaper of the City notice of the date, time, and place for a public hearing before the Council on the application. Prior to the public hearing, the city clerk shall cause to be submitted to the Council reports regarding compliance of the http://www.I i I I ienews.com/content/publ ic-notices-j une-22-2016-ram sey-county-m apl ewood-review 1/4 6/22/2016 Public Notices June 22, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com Minutes ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2016 The Ramsey County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 9:03 a.m. with the following members present: Carter, Huffman, McDonough, McGuire, Ortega, Rettman, and Chair Reinhardt. Also present were Julie Kleinschmidt, County Manager, and John Kelly, First Assistant County Attorney. AGENDA of June 7, 2016 was presented for approval. Motion by McGuire, seconded by Rettman. Unanimously approved. MINUTES of May 24, 2016 were presented for approval. Motion by McDonough, seconded by Huffman. Unanimously approved. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS PUBLIC HEALTH / HEALTH CARE SERVICES - Request for Proposals for Portable Medical Imaging Services. Motion by Rettman, seconded by Carter. Unanimously approved. (132016-149) COUNTY ATTORNEY - Continuation of 1.0 FTE Unclassified Position in the County Attorney's Office. Motion by Rettman, seconded by Carter. Unanimously approved. (132016-150) PROPERTY RECORDS & REVENUE - Appointment of Members to the Ramsey County Canvassing Board. Motion by Rettman, seconded by Carter. Unanimously approved. (132016-151) PARKS & RECREATION - Ramsey County 2016 Cooperative Deer Management Program. Motion by Rettman, seconded by Carter. Unanimously approved. (132016-152) PARKS & RECREATION -Agreement with Harris Contracting for Building Automation System atVadnais Sports Center. Motion by Rettman, seconded by Carter. Unanimously approved. (132016-153) PARKS & RECREATION - License Agreement with Midwest Golf Domes LLC to Develop and Manage Indoor Golf Dome. Motion by Rettman, seconded by Carter. Unanimously approved. (132016-154) ORDINANCE PROCEDURES HUMAN RESOURCES - Proposed Ramsey County Commissioner's Salary Ordinance for 2017 –Waive Second Reading. Motion by McDonough, seconded by Ortega. Unanimously approved. (132016-155) HUMAN RESOURCES – Proposed Ramsey County Commissioner's Salary Ordinance for 2017 – Public Hearing. Chair Reinhardt opened the public hearing and called three times for public testimony. Hearing none, she declared the public hearing closed. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE – No board action taken. Discussion can be found on archived video. BOARD CHAIR UPDATE – Discussion can be found on archived video. OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS – Discussion can be found on archived video. ADJOURNMENT– Chair Reinhardt declared the meeting adjourned at 9:43 a.m. Janet Guthrie, Chief Clerk — County Board application with zoning regulations, access, property tax regulations as well as with Section 14-804. http://www.lil Iienews.com/content/public-notices-june-22-2016-ramsey-county-maplewood-review 2/4 6/22/2016 Public Notices June 22, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com (4) Public Hearing. The public hearing before the City Council shall take place no laterthan forty-five (45) days after receipt of the notice of application from the Commissioner. At the public hearing the City Council shall solicit testimony from any interested persons. Following the public hearing the Council will vote to concurwith or rejectthe application. Ifthe application is accepted, the city clerk shall notifythe Commissioner of the City Council's concurrence pursuantto Minnesota Statutes, Section 53A.04. Ifthe application is denied by the City Council the city clerk shall notify the Commissioner and send the applicant by certified mail notice of the denial and the reasons therefor. (5) Appeal. Within 30 days of receiving the notice of denial from the City, an applicant may request an evidentiary hearing. The evidentiary hearing may be held before a hearing examiner or a designee of the City Manager, who shall follow the contested case procedure detailed in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 14.57-14.62. The hearing examiner or designee shall make written findings of fact and a written recommendation to the City Council. Following receipt of such findings and recommendation, the City Council shall vote on issuance or non -issuance of the license and that decision shall be forwarded to the Commissioner. Sec. 14-804. — Standards for Withholding Local Concurrence of a State Currency Exchange License. The council may withhold its concurrence of a new or renewal state currency exchange license, if the principal applicant person fails to meet any one of the following standards or requirements: (1) Applicant Ineligibility. (a) Is not at least 18 years of age on the date the license application is received by the City. (b) Is not the real party in interest in the business to be licensed. (c) Has falsified information or omitted material information on the license application form required by State Law or this Division. (d) Has violated any provision of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 53A or this Division within three (3) years prior to the application date. (e) Has been convicted of a crime that is directly related to the license sought as defined by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, subdivision 2, and is not able to show competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties and responsibilities of the licensed occupation, as defined by Minn. Statutes 364.03, subdivision 3. (2) Improper Zoning. Local concurrence may be withheld if the place of business to be operated under the license is located in a zoning district in which a currency exchange business is not permitted and/or a conditional use permit has not been obtained pursuant to the Code. (3) Distance Limitations. Local concurrence may be withheld if the proposed currency exchange business is not located at least 500 feet away from a residential lot line and at least 500 feet of any school or church as provided in Section 44-512(14). (4) Nonpayment of Fee. Local concurrence may be withheld if the applicant does not submit the appropriate application review fee to the City as required in Section 14-803(2). (5) Noncompliance with other provisions of the code. Local concurrence may be withheld if the currency exchange business does not comply with applicable zoning, building or fire codes. Sec. 14-805. — Limitation on Number. No more than one currency exchange license shall be issued by the city at any time. The city shall give priority to qualified applicants for renewal of an existing license. Sec. 14-806. — Penalties. Aviolation of any provision of this chapter will be a misdemeanor under Minnesota Law. http://www.IiI Iienews.com/content/public-notices-june-22-2016-ramsey-county-maplewood-review 3/4 6/22/2016 Public Notices June 22, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com This ordinance shall take effect after publishing in the official newspaper. The Maplewood City Council approved this ordinance on June 13, 2016. A full and complete copy of this ordinance can be found in the City Clerk's office, 1830 County Road B East, Maplewood, MN. ATTEST: Karen Haag, City Clerk (Review: June 22, 2016) http://www.IiI Iienews.com/content/public-notices-june-22-2016-ramsey-county-maplewood-review 4/4