HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 06-22 Little Free Libraries creating bookworms across the east metro MAPLEWOOD REVIEW Volume 55, `umber 25 A Lillie Suburban Newspaper Wednesday,J Little Free Libraries creating , 61)((9 bookworms across the east metro „ -,,,, .1 £ 0 0 5 z ,,,,,, „. 9 � r a g ° ' n N� rF s 5 »,. , ,,-- - , -, lor-; 8f ‘40. submitted photo The girl scouts used tools like power drills to assemble the Little Free a Library that is now at Arlington Hills United Methodist Church. Maplewood Girl Scouts inspired �`" to create two mini libraries `-' { Aundrea Kinney property lines. Review staff Although they are called "librar- 1 , it, ies" people do'not need to return l Little Free Libraries have become the same book that they take from . a big deal. the library. They operate on the `" � ' i I z 9. All over the world eo le are P p honor system, and it is a `little' it. building and filling Little Free courtesy to add a book sometime �` �' i Libraries; police in several cities after taking one, so that the library t. use them for community outreach, will always have books for people ,rt ,l� �! _ -, z and they were the inspiration for to enjoy. ,' * "`-z` a book. Todd H. Bol of Hudson, Wis- I,- -7wee The miniature lending libraries consin, created the first Little have won several awards,and there Free Library in 2009 after his was even a Minneapolis festival in mother's funeral as an extension May celebrating Little Free Librar- of her "spirit in the community." v } '' ies. June Bol, his mother, was a one at - The libraries look like large, room-school teacher in the Glad- ll ornate mailboxes and are stocked stone neighborhood of Maplewood. ' with donated books that are shared His "June Bol Memorial Library" between neighbors to help promote looks like a red schoolhouse with e'. P ' reading and literacy. They alsowhite trim and was intended to no help build connections by sparking be a front-yard book exchange for '' '"` o, ig dialogue between neighbors who Bol's neighbors around his Hudson previously lived disconnected from home. �' each other, confined by the param- eters of their personal routines and see Library on page 3 Linda Baumeister photos/Review Review W e141.e l 1 I 27.4/1', 7..2, a,20/4., Library. . . z.,,,,,, ,„ ,,, ,, , .. 0 „ , 44 , I 15 continued from page 15 j 1 .too ' Bol later built a Little „ Free Library in honor of m his dad after he passed away. That one sits across " 7. , ,' from the Lake Elmo Pub fl lie Library. 47, Though the Little Free Libraries may have been born in Hudson, their ` " foundations lie closer to Todd W. Bol % y " Review readers than peo- It, 40 pie may realize. Bol grew The troop is comprised of r up in Stillwater, and his 10 girls between fifth and a " i parents grew up in North seventh grades. St. Paul. As a child, he They placed their first often spent time in North library at Arlington , -- St. St. Paul with his grand- Hills United Methodist - — '� _ parents who still lived Church, '759 E. County , ' ." '� there. Road B. Accordin to g i At the North St. Paul troop leader Kay Hatles- Historical Society's last tad, the girls selected the �- monthly gathering before church as a "thank you,, 1 .; i the summer break, Bol, to the congregation for Alk` 4 the guest speaker, shared allowing the Scouts to _l a story he remembers hold meetings there. � � _ being told about his par- The church has a pre- ents' first date. His mom school and outreach to _ - was 15-years-old and the Karen immigrant • `., _ his dad was 16-years-old community, which were _ ,- when they split a Nut also reasons for the troop I Goodie candy bar while choosing this location, ' walking around Silver Hatlestad said. ' Lake. For the second library, _ 1 0 Of course, Bol spent a Troop 54349 selected lot of time in North St. a location at Edgerton Paul as well. Elementary School, 1929Ftit",. r "I think probably my Edgerton St., because 07 r fondest and oldest memo- three of the girls in the ries are here [in North St. group attend that school, submitted photo Paull," Bol said. "All of while the other girls in The girl scouts dug the post holes, mixed concrete, my great childhood mein- the troop are all spread set the posts and screwed the top on for their Little ories are here." out at different schools. Free Libraries. Bol said that the first They also selected this Little Free Library he location because many building Little Free built felt like a first of Edgerton's students Libraries. He joked that kiss. "It was magical. It are learning English as since starting his non- was exciting. You knew a second language, and profit, he has developed it was going to go some- many students are eligible a warped vision of every- where cool,but you didn't for free or reduced-price day objects - everything exactly know" what its school lunches. The girls he sees could be recycled impact would be. thought that access to free as a Little Free library! Little Free Library is books would be an asset The Scouts built the now a Midwest-based to all of the students, but Little Free Libraries them- nonprofit organization. especially those who are selves with the help of _ Today, there are 40,000 working to improve their Hatlestad and the father of Free Little Libraries all English-skills and those one of the troop members. over the world, and the who may not otherwise The dad cut wood pieces, organization is working be able to afford books. and the girls assembled towards a goal of encour- "We're trying to have them and decorated the aging 100,000 registered a lot of children and pre- finished product. Free Little Libraries by school books at the one Hatlestad said the girls the end of 2017. at Edgerton," Hatlestad gained supervised expe- Registration is a one- said,explaining that these rience with sanders and time$40 fee,which helps can be helpful for people power drills. They also pay for the Google map learning English as a sec- dug the post hole,mixed in addition to the other and language. the concrete,set the post work the nonprofit does. The girls came up with and screwed the top on. Libraries can be built the idea for the Little Free Four of the girls earned with a unique design, Libraries in a group brain- their Girl Scout Bronze or with purchased kits. storming session about Award with this prof- They can be filled with ways they can help out ect. The Bronze Award an assortment of books their community. requires each girl to put or only those that fit a When designing their in at least 20 hours on a theme. Anyone, any- libraries,the troop tried community service proj- where, can get involved to use as many scrap and ect, though the project with Little Free Libraries, recycled materials as can be completed in a and that's exactly what possible by making use group. The two libraries some Maplewood Girl of materials that were were finished in August Scouts decided to do. donated or purchased and September of last from the Habitat for year. Scouts pick up ham- Humanity Restore. For To learn more about mers&paintbrushes example, they incorpo- little free libraries,visit Girl Scout Troop rated a kitchen cabinet, littlefreelibrary.org. 54349,based in Maple- scrap cedar shingles and wood,built,filled and is leftover green paint. Aundrea Kinney can be maintaining two Little This fits right in with reached at 651-748-7822 Free Libraries in the area. Bol's approach towards or akin ney@lillienews.