HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 06-22 Events: Maplewood Nature Center MAPLEWOOD REVIEW tt3;14,1P.1 E Maplewood Nature Center Maplewood Nature p.m., (for adults, and Center & Neighborhood children ages 7 and older Preserves, 2659 East with an adult). Join the Seventh Street in Maple- Naturalist for a hike to wood offers these events: discover what's safe and Unless otherwise noted, what to watch out for to register for any of the on your summer camp- events below go to maple- ing trips. Make a poison woodnaturecenter.com ivy rubbing; learn how and click on the Register to identify nightshade Online Go button. You and stinging nettle and can also pay by cash or its herbal antidote. Learn check, call 651-249-2170. tips and tricks for pre- • Wilderness wisdom venting ticks and mos- - June 25, 2 to 3:15 quito bites; get your own "ticker" tape and Tick Remover. Cost is $5/fam- ily and must be prepaid by Thursday,June 23. • Home tweet home — June 28, 10 to 11:30 a.m., (For ages 4 to 8 with an adult). It's nesting time for catbirds, cardinals and more. Touch and feel sev- eral different bird nests, try building your own, play some birdsongs, make a bird craft and explore the nature center yard for birds and their nests; Puppets, craft and snack. Cost is $5/child and must be prepaid by Sunday,June 26. Maplewood Nature Center is a 40-acre pre- serve operated by the City of Maplewood and is open Tuesday through Saturday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. The Nature Play Yard adjoins the Visi- tor Center. Trails wind through oak woods and marsh and are open every day from dawn to dusk. Use of facilities is free of charge. For more information about Maple- wood Nature Center and its programs visit www. maplewoodnaturecenter. corn or call 651-249-2170. , ••t