HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03-05 Liaison officer attends juvenile justice conference THE REVIEW Liaison officer attends juvenile justice conference Sgt. Joseph A. Zappa, Dist. 622 police- "Focus on Youth: A Word from the �b school liaison officer, was one of 300 Clients," "Nutrition," "Arthomolecular Qparticipants at the Seventh National Theories and Causes of Delinquency," Conference on Juvenile Justice held "Family Counseling with Alcohol and 1r) recently in Los Angeles, CA. Substance Abusing Families," "Families The conference,now an annual event in and the Law," "Teaching Law to Kids," 1 the juvenile justice field, is co-sponsored and "Parent and Teacher Effectiveness by the National Council of Juvenile and Training: Promise for the Future." The conference opened with a panel discussion on the implications of the Proposition 13 mentality for the.juvenile justice system. Ira Schwartz, new ad- t v ministrator for the U.S.Office of Juvenile 4. Justice , a featured speaker at a luncheonPreventionduring the conference.andDelinquency ' I found workshop and general � � �, � session topicsthe extremely relevant to my in the juvenile jsystem. � Howeverwork ,l think that the most ustice important aspect of such a conference is the op- � :' � portunity to exchange ideas with my '*.\ �ts � counterparts from across the nation," said Zappa. SGT.JOE ZAPPA "In my discussions with other par- Family Court Judges and the National ticipants, one point came through loud District Attorney's Assn. and clear. The prevention and treatment Sgt.Zappa attended workshops on such of juvenile delinquency is a community topics as violence and vandalism in the problem. The citizens of this community schools, child snatching, teaching law to must support, financially and morally, kids and law enforcement response in the work of the courts, schools, social sexual abuse cases, "Juvenile Justice in service agencies and other organizations the Decade Ahead," "Search and Seizure which deal with children in trouble," on School Grounds," "Shoplifting," Zappa concluded. s 1