HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 02-27 Land owner fights Cope Ave. Park THE REVIEW Nppraisal system questioned F-e6 0,09/ ,920 Land owner fights Cope Ave . Park By MARY LEE HAGERT divided equally between the state and not receive more than 75 percent of the Maplewood. final purchase price from the federal and John Kavanagh is hoping to put the The city hired the Pendleton Company state government. eigns on the city's plans to develop a in 1978 to appraise the land, which it Greavu responded, "I wish I had seen ark on his land along Cope Avenue in valued at $152,000, according to this appraisal before we approved the laplewood. Kavanagh.In 1979,the city hired Winfield condemnation of the land. I might not Plans for the Cope Avenue Park ap- Mitchell to appraise the land in order to have approved it then. I'd like to know peared to be moving forward until determine if the value had changed. how much this is going to cost the city." Kavanagh, who resides at 758 E. Fourth Mitchell appraised the property at If the city pays $122,000 for the St., St. Paul, appeared before the $122,000, which is the amount the city is property, its share would be ap- Maplewood city council this month. offering him, Kavanagh said. proximately $30,500. Kavanagh told the council on Feb.21 he Kavanagh pointed out that real estate Kavanagh told the council he wanted to is very unhappy with the dollar value the prices have been skyrocketing within the develop his property for single family city has offered for purchase of the land. last few years.He said he found it hard to homes.He said the city's plans for a park He stated he wants to develop his believe that the price of his land had gone on his property were keeping him from property for single-family residential down. developing his land. However, Evans housing. When he asked the city council why it said it was Kavanagh's fault that his He owns 15 acres of undeveloped had gotten two appraisals, Mayor John residential development plans have been property, which is bordered by Greavu seemed to be wondering the same stymied. Evans said Kavanagh had ap- Hazelwood and Kennard Streets, Laurie question. Greavu asked, "Are we plied for a feasibility study for developing Road and Cope Avenue. deceiving somebody.Why did we use one the property but failed to pay the $4,000 The land is surrounded primarily by appraisal to get the grant and use another necessary to begin the project. residential homes and is the only vacant as a purchase offer?" When Kavanagh said he did not think property in the area. Neighboring In response to the questions about why the city was treating him fairly, Evans residents have been pressing city officials the city solicited two appraisals, coun- said, "We are not looking at this from to step up the pace of the park develop- cilman Earl Nelson said, it is standard your standpoint.We are looking at it from ment, according to Eric Blank, practice to get more than one appraisal. the city taxpayers point of view. We are Maplewood community services director. He added,it is not unusual for appraisers trying to protect their best interests." In 1978, the city applied for a grant to to differ in what they feel is the value of There will be a hearing on the disputed purchase the land. A federal grant was the land."If two appraisers come in at the land value conducted by an independent approved in June of 1979 for $65,400 for same price,then that might be cause for commission appointed by the courts. acquisition of the property.Federal funds suspicion." Kavanagh was informed of his right to will pay for 50 percent of the purchase Barry Evans, city manager, told the obtain his own appraisal of the property price, with the remaining amount being mayor and Kavanagh that the city would and he may submit it during the hearing.