HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 02-27 Council approves raises THE REVIEW Minnesota Single Copy 30' WED., FEB. 27, 1980 81/2 % pay hike Council approves r A $67,000 pay raise package for city Greavu proposed giving all city em- The maintenance workers are given a clerical-technical and maintenance ployees a $175 a week pay raise, regar- $20 annual allowance for the purchase of personnel received a nod of approval dless of their position on the pay scale or steel-toed safety boots and pay for 30 from the Maplewood city council on Feb. their job responsibilities. When minutes arrival time when called out for 21. negotiations for the two unions began,this emergencies other than normal reporting With a 4-1 vote,the council accepted the is what they originally requested. time. two union contracts, which call for an Under the new contracts, the workers eight and one-half percent pay hike. The Under the mayor's plan, all city em- will receive a fifth week of vacation after minimum hourly increase approved ployees would have received about$1 an 20 years of service. under the new AFSCME,AFL-CIO Union hour raise. His pay increase plan would The city has three unions. The super- contracts is 50 cents. have totaled about$107,000 for the clerical vi§ors' union reached a contract set- Mayor John Greavu cast the dissenting and maintenance workers. This is ap- tlement which also contained an eight and vote. Although Greavu did not explain proximately $40,000 more than the raise one-half percent salary raise on Dec. 20. why he voted against the contracts during agreed upon under the new contracts. The pay raise for non-union staff for the meeting, he previously had said the In addition to the pay raise, the new 1980 totaled eight percent. pay increases were too large. contracts for the clerical-technical and The clerical-technical and maintenance Even though he believed the pay raises maintenance workers include health and personnel's newest raises are retroactive are too high,the mayor supported a plan dental insurance payments not to exceed back to Jan. 1, 1980. The two groups that would have escalated the city $75 per month, an additional floating received a six percent pay raise on Jan.1, payrolls even higher, according to Barry holiday and 19 cents a mile for use of a 1979 and a 5.1 percent salary increase on Evans, city manager. personal car while on city business. July 1, 1979.