HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 01-02 Bastian, Juker to assume office at council meeting THE REVIEW Bastian, Juker to assume office at council meeting Gary Bastian and Fran Juker will be Century Addition will be the subject of a sworn into office at the Maplewood city public hearing at 8 p.m. council meeting at 7:30 p.m.Thursday at SAM CAVE is proposing a housing the Municipal Administration Building. development along Century Avenue north The new city councilmen will assume of Maryland Avenue. The development tb office after the council approves the will include single family dwellings, Qr minutes for the 1979 council meetings. duplexes and four-plexes.The project will THE COUNCIL will conduct a public include the construction of streets and the hearing on the planned unit development installation of storm and sanitary sewers N- and three variances proposed by Con- and water utilities. cordia Arms Inc., at 7:30 p.m. At 8:15 p.m.a public hearing will be the t; The non-profit organization is planning vacation of parts of Curve and Claire to construct a three-story apartment Streets. r building for senior citizens. The 125-unit building will be financed by the Depart- The council will also discuss the ex- ment of Housing and Urban Development tension of Sandhurst Street from Van and will be located on Lydia Avenue Dyke Street to Hazel Street, and the between Ariel and Chisholm Streets. vacating of part of Farrell Street. Persons who are age 62 and older and New business on the council agenda who qualify for Section 8 housing will includes appointing an acting mayor and reside in the building. making Planning Commission and A preliminary plat,street vacation and Community Design Review Board ap- planned unit development for the Cave's pointments.