HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 01-16 Storm sewer project hearing will head Maplewood city copuncil agenda THE REVIEW iStorm sewer project hearingwill icyo head Maplewood city council agenda The Maplewood city council will con- The board of adjustments and appeals New business on the council agenda duct a public hearing at 7:30 p.mwill have a public hearing on a variance includes a feasibility study for the Thursday on a proposed $261,140 stormand lot division at 501 Farrell Street at Southlawn-Radatz federal government sewer improvement project between 7:45 p.m. A code amendment to further subsidized housing project,a study on the Lower Afton Road and Londin Lane. define outlots will be the subject of an 8 feasibility of installing utilities and p.m. public hearing. making improvements along Beam There are a number of drainage Avenue west of Highway 61,and a special problems in this area and the proposed A special use permit for First Federal exception at 2648 E. Fifth Avenue. project will attempt to correct them. The Savings and Loan Association will be four parts of the project are: construction discussed at a public hearing at 8:45 p.m. Other new business will include a plan of storm sewers in the Maplewood Hills At 9 p.m. a hearing will be on the liquor amendment for Maryland Avenue and Townhouse area to control flood license for the Maple Wheel Lounge. Sterling Street (Arlington properties), a problems; repairing ditch erosion near In unfinished business the council will time extension for a temporary mobile Connemara Apartments; construction of discuss the Forest Street Improvements, home owned by Ar-Mon at a construction a ponding area on the new fire station pay rates for temporary and part-time site, lawsuits by George Ostrand, in- property,and installing additional piping employees (non-union), payments to creasing emergency radio dispatching around Maplewood Hills Townhouses. members of advisory boards and corn- rates for North St. Paul, and issuing in- The proposed special assessments missions, proposed alarm ordinance and dustrial revenue notes for the Cope would have benefitting properties pay for a tax increment for the Maple Knoll Avenue Office Building for Nordstrand the project. Development. and Associates.