HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 01-16 Maplewood's pre-council meetings LILLIE NEWS Page '�_( Wed., Jan. 16, 1980 Pag 4A THE REVIEW Annimmimmei LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPERS, INC. N LES 7 serving readers editorial...... since 1887 page ....., Maplewood's pre-council meetings The decision by the Maplewood City Council these gatherings and he's"not in favor of this." members to re-instate pre-council agenda meetings is one on which we are withholding our support tern- We acknowledge that council members are eager to porarily. We'd simply prefer to see if Mayor John become thoroughly informed on all issues facing Greavu's opinion is accurate. them. For that we commend them. We also note that the length of many Maplewood council meetings has GREAVU HAS declined to participate in these been critized by a number of citizens (including this meetings which are conducted at 5 p.m. Monday newspaper). preceding the scheduled council meetings, regularly the first and third Thursdays of each month. If these meetings will enable the officials to handle The mayor said he will not attend because he city business with greater dispatch, we'll be pleased. believes the scope of these meetings is greater than The gatherings are, we know, announced and no their intended purpose. They are designed as in- attempt at secrecy has been made. formational meetings, providing the council with an opportunity to question staff on an informal basis We would hope that those attending would carefully about their studies and recommendations. guard against making decisions there. Citizens must be allowed to hear the tone of discussions and any GREAVU SAYS he believes decisions are made at arguments aired before decisions are made.—JGR