HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 01-23 Savings and loan gets nod from council to open branch office THE REVIEW Minnesota - Single Copy 30` ( WED., JAN. 23, 1981 gets oan anSavings d lnod from council to open branch office By MARY LEE HAGERT Smith said he feared the savings and Robert Hall, 521 N. Farell Street, told After a lengthy discussion about loan overflow cars would use the Hillcrest the council that he liked the spacious possible future parking problems, the Bank parking lot. The Hillcrest Bank is feeling created by the large lots in his First Federal Savings and Loan located north of the proposed savings and neighborhood. "I'm afraid a lot of people Association of Minneapolis was granted a loan branch outlet. will want to split their large lots if you special use permit by the Maplewood city A medical clinic with a large clientele is allow Larson to split his," Hall said. council on Jan. 17. located next door to the future savings Greavu moved to grant the variance The savings and loan company plans to and loan building.Smith said the Hillcrest because he said there are other lots in the open a branch outlet in the former Bank parking lot was already receiving neighborhood of a similar size. Juker Metropolitan Life Insurance building, the medical patients'cars. He said,when seconded his motion. However, Nelson located on the southwest corner of Van the savings and,loan company began and Bastian both voted to deny the Dyke Avenue and North St.Paul Road in operating,the parking problem would be request. Maplewood. even worse. The city council also: In the past,parking around the building —granted a liquor license to the Gerald has been a problem. The special use Smith stated,"We have never objected and Violet Lucille Bachel for the Mapte permit allows the savings and loan to any financial institution moving into Wheel Lounge. association to have 17 parking spaces. this area. However, we do object to the —approved the first reading for an This is 11 less than what is allowed by the savings and loan occupying this site alarm ordinance. city code. because we think the parking is —denied a request from Realty Robert Cornell,senior vice president of inadequate." Development Services for a $230,000 tax First Federal,re-assured the council that In other action,the city council had a tie increment bond for low-cost housing on on the average, they expected no more vote on a request by Dennis J.Larson,501 Radatz Avenue. This bond was to help than 10 cars to be parked at the branch N. Farrell Street, for a variance and cover construction costs for the Maple outlet. division of his lot. Knoll housing project. He said if a parking problem developed, Mayor John Greavu and Councilwoman —Granted a special exception for the the manager of Zayre's Shoppers City had Fran Juker voted to approve the opening of a one-chair beauty shop at 2648 said he had no objection to having the variance. Councilmen Gary Bastian and E. Fifth Avenue. extra cars park in his lot.The savings and Earl Nelson cast negative votes. Coun- —informed George Ostrand of St. Paul loan building is located across the street cilman Norman Anderson was not present that the moratorium on granting special from Zayre's. at the meeting. use permits for the construction of The only objection to the granting of the The tie vote in effect denied Larson's multiple family dwellings on property special use permit was raised by Bill request to split his 120 frontage foot lot to zoned R1 does not apply to his request. Smith of Hillcrest MidAmerica Bank. He allow the construction of another single The council set a public hearing on the said, "We think this parking lot is totally family dwelling on it. Larson may re- granting of a special use permit for the inadequate for a financial institution. apply for the variance and lot division. construction of a duplex on the corner of There is no onstreet parking and no ad- The city staff had recommended the Payne and Roselawn Avenues for the next jacent parking available." council deny Larson's request. council meeting.