HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 02-13 There are alternatives to weekly meetings LILLIE NEWS Page 4A Wed., Feb. 13, 1980 THE REVIEW 7 LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPERS, INC. zs ki,_ _J.1 .11.__LE serving readers editorial page since 1887 a N. There are alternatives to weekly meetings tz. The Maplewood city council should take a hard look frequently last more than two hours. at its alternatives before going ahead with the If time limits were set on each citizen's talk or if proposal of conducting weekly meetings. each individual had to register with the city clerk The council members last week expressed positive before the meeting, the public hearings might be interest in Mayor John Greavu's suggestion of having shortened. weekly meetings beginning in March. The council While the council has hired a qualified staff of presently meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third engineers,planners,managers and attorneys, it often Thursdays of each month. excessively questions their suggestions and Maplewood's council meetings frequently continue recommendations. If there were more trust placed in into the early morning hours. Council members often staff's recommendations less time would be spent make presentations after midnight when most of the haggling over decisions. audience has gone home. The members hope that by Time considerations aside, the weekly meetings gathering weekly,the length of their meetings will be will mean the volunteer members of the Planning greatly shortened. Commission and the Community Design Review None of the surrounding suburban communities we Board will have to meet more often. contacted conduct weekly meetings. This fact would Also, according to a city staffer, the weekly seem to indicate that Maplewood has several alter- gatherings will almost certainly necessitate adding natives available to it besides conducting weekly extra personnel to the city staff to handle the in- meetings. creased paperwork. One recurring problem for the council is the length At a time when the council has been working very of the public hearings. Although the hearings are hard to keep its administrative costs down, the allotted 15 minutes on the council agenda, they weekly meetings do not seem wise.—MLH