HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03-19 Special uses permit hearing will head council agenda THE REVIEW Special use permit hearing will head council agenda The Maplewood city council will con- notes for a mini self-storage business at ' 1O duct a public hearing at 7:30 p.m. March 1195 E. Highway 36 will be the subject of 20 on a special use permit application by an 8:15 p.m. public hearing. e Ken Schroeder, 1199 Ripley Ave. An 8:30 p.m. public hearing will be on N\ The hearing heads the council's agenda the liquor license application by Douglas for its meeting at the Maplewood Thorp of Bloomington for the Maplewood Municipal Administration Building, 1380 Bowl. Frost Ave. Schroeder is requesting a permit to tear The council will award bids for the new down the existing house at 1199 Ripley and Public Safety Department's computer to construct another one on the lot,which equipment and will have the second is smaller than standard city code lot size. reading for the quad design and traffic At 8 p.m., the council will conduct a control devices ordinances. public hearing on a planned unit development,preliminary plat and street Under new business the council will vacation for the Beaver Lake Hills consider an ordinance for changing the project. wording from fire protection charge to This 186-unit development will be four- hydrant charge. The council will also plexes east of Beaver Lake.The project is review a feasibility study for the Hillwood proposed by Arlington Properties for east Drive and Dorland Road. Appointments of Lakewood Drive and south of the will be made to the Planning Commission planned extension of Maryland Avenue. and the Community Design Review The issuing of commercial revenue Board.