HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03-19 'Project' stigma blocks townhouse plan LILLIE NEWS Page 4A 9 (Wed.,March 19, 1980 THE REVIEW - LI IE� LILLIE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPERS, INC. serving readers since 1887 editorial pAge 'Project' stigma blocks townhousep lan Maplewood city officials decided a few years ago property owners along Radatz would have been that there is a need for more housing in the com- unusually low thanks to the HUD money. munity for persons with low and moderate incomes. However, neighborhood opposition to the street The officials' actions during the past three months upgrading and the townhouse development were so seem to indicate they have forgotten this need. strong, that it helped influence the council to reject Recently the city council rejected a street im- the street improvement project. provement project that would have speeded up The property owners seemed concerned about the construction of the Maple Knolls Townhouses, a type of tenants who would occupy the development. proposed project with subsidized rents financed by To reside in federally subsidized rental units, a the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. family of four must have an adjusted income between This 57-unit development is proposed for a 6.25 acre $10,500 and$16,800. According to the developers,20 to site in the center of a block bounded by Kohlman, 35 percent of the Maplewood residents qualify for the Radatz and White Bear Avenues. Low and moderate project. Under new guidelines being proposed by income occupants of the development will be eligible HUD, local Maplewood residents could be given for federal Section 8 rent subsidies. occupancy preference. This project has been on the drawing board for more than two years. Because of delays, caused in There are thousands of communities across the part by the City, the project is in jeopardy. Earlier nation clamoring for HUD dollars. The federal this year the council rejected the developer's request agency went to great lengths to get the money for the for$230,000 in tax increment financing. Due to project street improvements to help this project along. delays, the project is going to cost more than the If this money is not used by the city for community $2,600,000 originally allocated for it. The tax in- development services for low and moderate income crement bonds would have helped meet the financing persons, the agency may be reluctant to give deficit. Maplewood funds again. The city council has given concept approval to the The future of this project lies in the hands of the city project. During one of its debates, Councilman Earl officials. Maple Knolls Townhouses may still be Nelson admitted the Maple Knolls Townhouses' plan constructed if the city moves swiftly to find ac- is the best one the council has seen for this site. ceptable alternative traffic routes for the townhouse When the council initially approved the develop- occupants. ment, it was on the condition that Radatz Avenue be Since there is a bonafide need for this type of improved. residential housing in Maplewood, quick action from The U.S. Housing and Urban Development office the city officials is a necessity. If compromise offered to provide$273,404 to help offset the cost of the solutions for the project are not drawn up soon, the street improvements. Improvement assessments for financing agency will drop this development. —MLH