HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03-26 Eric Blank resigns post as community services director THE REVIEW erre blank resigns post as Q) community services director Eric c=3.0ank Eric Blank, Maplewood community On March 18, Blank said, Plymouth \ services director,has accepted a job offer voters approved a $3 million bond to head the parks and recreation referendum for improving and developing \)\ department in Plymouth. parks within the city. -- Blank turned in his resignation on Blank joined the Maplewood Corn- park system has grown to 30 parks, in- March 21 and will be leaving his munity Services staff in 1969 as a college eluding the Maplewood Nature Center. Maplewood post on April 11. student intern.After his graduation from A native of Roseville, Blank and his 4 "My reasons for leaving are two-fold," the University of Minnesota in 1970, he family have lived in Maplewood for three Blank told the Review. "First, I have was hired as assistant director of the years.His wife,Gretchen, is a recreation been in the Maplewood department for 11 department. He was promoted to the programmer for the City of Woodbury. years and I think that is long enough. director's position in August 1973. The Blanks plan to continue to reside in Secondly,Plymouth has an exciting park He served as acting city manager from Maplewood, development program,which I want to be August 1978 to March 1979. The city is seeking applicants for the a part of." Under his guidance, the Maplewood vacancy created by Blank's resignation.