HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03-26 Sale of 'Jordan 40' finalized THE REVIEW Sale of 'Jordan 40 ' finalized The sale of the"Jordan 40,"a parcel of county is in the process of preparing an their 34 acres to the county for $1.1 34 acres of open space in Maplewood,was overall plan for the Battle Creek park million. The county countered with an finalized last week for$874,285.52. system. offer to purchase the original 371/2 acres The property is now part of the Battle A portion of the"Jordan 40"was once a for$930,000. Creek Metropolitan Regional Park truck garden. The remainder is virgin The Jordans turned down the board of system, according to Bernie Edmonds, woodlands and grasslands. commissioner's offer saying they had sold director of Ramsey County Parks and The county and the Jordans have been a parcel of the land to Meyer.The Jordans Zip Open Space.The final purchase price was negotiating the sale of the property for and the county ultimately settled on the Q\ the value approved by the Ramsey over a year. final purchase price. County Board of Commissioners. Originally the Jordans had 37'/2 acres. The land is east of McKnight Road and However, they sold approximately 2?/ The Metro Council gave its approval to V\ south of Upper Afton Road. It was owned acres to Gary Meyer, a St. Paul the acquisition.The purchase funds came SX by Jacob and Elizabeth Jordan, 2472 developer. He is planning to construct a from the$27.3 million the 1977 Minnesota upper Afton Road, Maplewood. racquetball and tennis club on his State Legislature appropriated for the There are no specific development acreage. 1977-79 biennium for the buying and plans for the park, Edmonds stated. The On June 11, the Jordans offered to sell development of regional parks.