HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 06-01 North High School senior dies after returning from prom MAPLEWOOD REVIEW North High School senior dies after returning from prom Aundrea Kinney Review staff Anna Jaskulka, 18, a senior at North High School, died May 21 at Woodwinds Health Cam- pus in Woodbury. She was found unresponsive at home after attending "..}.' prom that night at the Landmark Center in St. Paul. "We know there was alcohol involved. We don't know anything else for certain, yet," said Maple- wood police chief Paul Schnell. Jaskulka's parents reportedly drove her home II* 1111 from the Landmark Cen- Anna laskulka ter. They last saw her 15 minutes before finding her unresponsive. She was in full cardiac arrest when Maplewood emergency responders arrived at her home in the 2300 block of Schadt Drive in Maplewood. According to Schnell, the emergency call came see Prom on page 2 she used any other sub- Christine Osorio, superin- P'Olfl •• stances. tendent of School District Jaskulka was only 622 in a letter to North about two weeks away High School staff. continued from page 1 from graduating from "North High will have North. Maplewood police extracounselors available in just after 11 p.m., and informed the school of in the days ahead to sup- both Maplewood police her death the morning of port students and staff and paramedics arrived May 22. during this difficult time," shortly after. Paramed- "We are truly sad- Nelson said. ics tried to resuscitate dened by the loss of Anna According to Osorio, Jaskulka in her home,but Jaskulka," North High special counseling ser- she was ultimately trans- School Principal Greg vices will also be available ported to the Woodwinds Nelson said in a state- at Tartan High School Health Campus in Wood- ment. "Anna was a stu- because,jaskulka attended bury whereshe was pro- dent with a bright person- Tartan before transferring flounced dead. ality and kind heart. She to North. According to Schnell, will be deeply missed." police are investigating "Our thoughts are with Aundrea Kinney can be where, the alcohol came the family and friends of reached at 651-748-7822 from, who Jaskulka was this student during this orakinney@lillienews.com with that night and if difficult time," wrote