HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 05-18 Ramsey County remembers fallen officers MAPLEWOOD REVIEWRamsey County remembers fallen officers I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com Ramsey County remembers fallen officers Submitted by admin on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 12:OOam By: Aundrea Kinney Police Heel memorial service was hel(I in Ma l.)Iewoo(..1 (1...in(Ja Ba timeisterlReview) Nine were honorea1 at the 5th aN nija l Stibtrrba n Ramsey Cotinty /...aw Enforcement Memorial Ceremony hel(I at t, Paid i...Irryong Alliance Claarrch in Ma l.)Iewoo(.1 May 12, 7his year's memorial Ble.*seal are the Peacemakers, for they shall be caflea1 chil(Iren of Go(.1 was l ostea1 by the Ma I.Venrroo(I Police Deq:)artrrbent. (/...in(Ja Ba timeister/Review) This year National Police Week is recognized May 15 through 21. According to the National Police Week website, Police Week began in 1962 when President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week surrounding that date as Police Week. During Police Week, events held throughoutthe country honor the officers who passed away in the line of duty, provide time to remember their sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families and recognize past and present officers who rendered dedicated service to their communities. Because May 15 falls on a Sunday this year, some of the events in honor of Police Week were held at the end of the previous week. "The choice made by our police officers to serve and to protect is something our community must always honor because without these brave men and women, we will always have the possibility that the lawless will trample the lawful and that evil can overcome the good," said John Choi Ramsey County attorney. The Suburban Ramsey County Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony occurred May 12 at the St. Paul Hmong Alliance Church in Maplewood. This event specifically honored the nine officers from Ramsey County who died in the line of duty. The St. Paul Police Federation Memorial Bell rang nine times, once for each officer, and each effected department laid a wreath for their fallen officers during the wreath ceremony. The Maplewood Police Department currently has 51 officers, and of the nine Ramsey County officers who died in the line of duty, one served Maplewood. Police Sgt. Joseph Bergeron was shot while attempting to question two suspects about a carjacking incident May 1, 2010. A witness radioed for assistance, and Sgt. Bergeron was pronounced dead when he reached the hospital. The suspect who fired the shot later tried to disarm a police officer in an attempt to flee an adjacent neighborhood, and was killed in the process. The second suspect later surrendered, and is currently in prison for Sgt. Bergeron's murder. http://www. review-news.com/articles/2016/05/18/ram sey-county-rem em bers-fal len-officers 1/2 6/8/2016 Ramsey County remembers fallen officers I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com The North St. Paul Police Department currently has 18 officers and two of the nine fallen Ramsey County officers served North St. Paul. Officer Richard Crittenden Sr. was shot and killed while responding to a domestic dispute Sept. 7, 2009. He and another officer entered the residence where they struggled with a suspect who was wielding a burning rag, and who eventually retrieved a gun, which he used to fatally shoot Crittenden and wound the other officer. Officer Crittenden's partner returned fire and fatally wounded the suspect. Police Chief Water Hause died of a heart attack while on duty January 6, 1955. Hause's squad carwent down an embankmentwhile turning on to Swan Avenue near Silver Lake. Awitness said the Chief appeared to be having difficulty before becoming unresponsive. Efforts to revive him were unsuccessful. In 1940, he was North St. Paul's first uniformed officer and police chief. Four of the nine fallen officers were from the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department. Reserve deputy Mike Wilken's died October 25, 2009, due to injuries sustained when he was hit by a vehicle while directing traffic. Lt. Earl Kennicutt died of a heart attack while on duty March 2, 1998. Sgt. Rosengren was shot and killed January 28, 1971, when a 17 -year-old patienttried to escape from the psychiatric ward at St. Paul Ramsey Hospital. Deputy Johnson was fatally injured when his vehicle went out of control in a police chase October 13, 1958. Two of Ramsey County's fallen officers were part of the Roseville Police Department. Officer Bruce Russell succumbed May 16, 1982, to gunshot injuries from an individual wanted for aggravated assault. Juvenile officer Howard Johnson was shot and fatally wounded while pursuing a 21 -year-old wanted for armed robbery. Part of the Law Enforcement Memorial Prayer states, "May those of us still serving, remember well the price they paid; may their memories stand forever as those who went down brave." "Today we live out our pledge to never forget," said Maplewood police chief Paul Schnell. Musical contributions to the Suburban Ramsey County Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony included "The Star-Spangled Banner" sung by the Hill -Murray Vivace Choir, "Taps" played by Ramsey County Sheriff Deputy Brian Chelstrom, "Amazing Grace" preformed on bagpipes by Steve Heinz of the Minnesota Police Pipe Band and "Tears in Heaven" and "God Bless America" preformed by Lawrence Miles II. Aundrea Kinney can be reached at 651-748-7822 or akinney lillienews.com. http://www. review-news.com/articles/2016/05/18/ram sey-county-rem em bers-fal len-officers 2/2