HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03-27 Proposal on four-plexes rejected THE DISPATCH Proposal on four-plexes rejected 0 A proposal to make sure that rages or doors be differently ar- "You don't need an ordinance. % new four-plex homes do not all ranged and that materials used If I build something so ugly, it Q\ look alike was rejected last week on the exteriors be different. won't sell,"Gervais added. \ by the Maplewood City Council. Several weeks ago, Council- Developer Ken Gervais told Councilman Earl Nelson said man Norman Anderson suggest- the council: "What you're asking he hates to put more restrictions an ordinance regulating the me is to redesign these houses. on private developers and exteriors of the"quad"homes in It's'going to cost and I'm going agreed that the design review a development. to pass it onto the consumer. board is doing the job now. Your design and review board He proposed to do it by requir- ing does a good job now." Another councilman, Gary ins that homes within 500 feet of Bastian, suggested the regula- each other either have windows The design review board tions be made policy rather than in different places or that ga- checks plans of developments. ordinance.