HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 01-01 Maplewood Council OKs salary increases THE DISPATCH Maplewood Council OKs salary increases Contracts with supervisory un- some clerical staff,professional ion employees and non-union em- employees,the deputy police ployees got Maplewood City chief,lieutenants and sergeants Council approval recently. and fire marshals—will receive The vote was 3 to 1,with May- 8 percent salary increases. or John Greavu dissenting. New fringe benefits include THE SUPERVISORS,mem- the fifth week of vacation and am do bers of the American Federation additional floating holiday for pN, of State County and Municipal those who don't already have \ Employees(AFSCME),will get two,Evans added. 8.5 percent salary increases in N. 1980,according to City Manager Cost of the increase is about Barry Evans. $38,000 for 22 employees. (Q' They also will have a fifth EVANS SAID the city is in 3 week of vacation after 20 years mediation with two other and a floating holiday added to AFSME locals that represent their benefits.Cost of the in- clerical and technical employees creases is about$14,000 for eight and public works and park and j employees,Evans said. recreation workers. The non-union employees— The council has not acted on including department heads, Evan's 1980 salary.