HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980 03-27 Man asks for audit of city finances THE DISPATCH The DtSD• i . . A Thursday, March 27, 1980 * • •:.` _. )l-ij 2nd Section (E) y„„,0000„,„,, Man #ss fore audit ofcity finances A 71-year-old man has de- ------------ --- — Glared himself a committee of Maplewood -- man claimed, she actually billed McGinley maintained that the w. one in an attempt to get a state i Medicare. last state audit of the city 66 audit of Maplewood city idignation. You're a man who asked "They're public "But I call such— 1952. Evans said it was nual- finances. The city has audits done annual paysyour bills. But,unfortunate a thing as that public parasites. lY by a state approved auditing Frank McGinley, 2044 Pros- ly,there are many who don't. firm. perity Road, asked the City "BUT WITH that, and that "My question is why last fall Council last week to request only, I would deline o this same Faust had to come be- "THEwBIG difference is fort state audits for the past sixyour fore the council and have accu- we would have to pay$12,000 years. request. I would rather wait for mulcted, unpaid paramedic bills ne year's audit," said Evans. a public petition." totaling about $30,000 written "One person has asked for this one or I'll ask for one."EITHER there's going to be Other council members off? If we have that kind of help, audit. This is 1980, not 1952. committee of there's 11 askbe afoer agreed.Mayor John Greavu,who I'm not surprised how that bill There is a different system now. volunteers to go out and get sig- initially introduced McGinley's could climb up to$30,000." a state There's not a lot of difference in natures. I'm too old to do it request, ,commented: "Frank, COUNCILMAN Norman An- audits.)" (and the annual city I've tried. myself,"McGinley said. derson corrected McGinley: He complained about McGinley explained that Medi- "The amount was about $5,000, Then McGinley took aim at taken to court over a $7 billbeingfor care paid for$28 of the total $35 The reason we had to forgive Evans and charged: "This new ambulance service for his wife. ambulance bill for his wife. He them probably is that it was for city manager was hired to He accused the city finance de- expected the rest to be paid by service with intoxicated people straighten out problems. I don't He accused of mishandlingity finance the Medicaid. lercpeople where he couldn't col- think he has, Hees gave the non- matter. McGinley asserted that t. union employees and himself a Councilman Earl Nelson told Finance Director Dan Faust said "It probably would cost more raise." McGinley: an appreciaso your in court that his clerk billed to collect than the bills were Evans replied, "I didn't give Medicaid twice. But, the elderly for•" myself a raise." ' And City Manager Barry Ev- McGinley countered: "Well, ans stated: "These people were the staff is running the city. The taken to court and they still did tail is wagging the dog." not pay."