HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 05-04 Opportunities offered at Benedictine Center MAPLEWOOD REVIEW MAY 042016 Review Faith Opportunities Offered at Benedictine Center The Benedictine Center,2675 Benet check-ins,introductions and discus= Road,Maplewood,is offering these pro- sions around the disease of dementia. grams in May —Come Spirit,come;Thursday,May — Looking for a good discus- 12,7 to 9 p.m.,$25.Participants will sion? Thursday, May 5, 9 a.m. to 1 experience a taste of Benedictine prayer p.m.,free-will offering.Join others in that will sustain their spirits and help this popular conversation series and them be present to the beauty of Min- tackle the topic of Waiting for a New nesota summers.It will be led by Paula Calling.Participants will learn to wel- Hagen,a Benedictine Sister,prioress of come the uncertainty in their spiritual St.Paul's Monastery,and co-founder of journeys and explore ways to wait for a national network for women called new paths to emerge. led by Sam Rah- Ministry of Mothers Sharing. berg,Benedictine Oblate,spiritual direc- —Taize Prayer,Friday,May 20, at tor and director of the Benedictine Cen- 7 p.m.,free-will offering.Join others in ter. this meditative prayer consisting of sim- -Dementia Support Group,Tues- ple chants and periods of silence.Then day, May 10, 7 to 9 p.m., free-will stay for refreshments and get to know offering. If you are a caregiver,you some and like-minded people.It is held are invited to share your journey,find the third Friday of every month. renewal and feel full acceptance for For more information,or to register whatever you are going through. Each online,go to www.stpaulsmonastery.org session—led by Steve Arnold,a chap- and follow the link to the Benedictine lain and spiritual director—will be a Center,or call 651-777-7251 or email form of group spiritual direction with benedictinecenter@stpaulsmonasteryorg.