HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 04-27 Maplewood teens have a new place to go MAPLEWOOD REVIEW Wednesday,April 27,2016 MWR Maplewood teens have a new place to go Library After Dark program to offer movies,games and fun Aundrea Kinney Review staff Marie Garza is a single parent raising kids in an environment with real pressures. A few years ago,her son regularly visited a basketball court in their Maplewood neigh- borhood. Garza's son and his friends love basketball Ifbougo and lived for the moments they What were able to spend Library After Dark, on the court with their friends,that featuring teen activ- is,until the hoops ity stations,movies, were taken down. games and technol- Garza didn't ogyprojects know the rims had been removed Where until her son and Maplewood Pub- his friends sud- lie Library,3025 denly began spend- Southlawn Drive, ing long hours at located west of home instead of Maplewood Malt playing pickup games on the When court. It wasn't 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. until later that the Friday,April 29. reason behind the removal began sur- WHO facing in conversa- Kid ages 12 to 18 tions she had with other community COST members. Free According to k.,... <=M, ,,.: Garza,some neigh- borhood residents had complained that there were too many African-American kids in the park allegedly starting fights and stirring up trouble.Garza worked with Maplewood city staff to have the basketball hoops reinstalled, but she said it was this experience with racial profiling that encouraged her to get involved with the Maplewood Human Rights Commis- sion and the issue of youth engagement. see Library on page 12 APR 2 7 2016 Review Group at the Sun Ray cares enough to invest in Library Library on the East Side. them. j j s J�/ Those activities served The Human Rights as models for Garza Commission is seeking when she helped initi- food donations such as continued from page 1 the Maplewood Public ate Maplewood's Library popcorn or pizza for the Library to offer a new After Dark event. Library After Dark events. Recognizing event for teenagers called Garza has been work- Volunteers who have spe- barriers exist Library After Dark.Like ing closely with Timothy cial skills are also being "Youth have precon- many of Maplewood's Turner who has agreed to sought. ceived notions of adults, youth programs,Library facilitate the group toner- Garza says many of the and adults have precon- After Dark is still located sations.As a co-founder teens in Maplewood are ceived notions of youth," in the northern section of of the Sun Ray Library's interested in playing bas- Garza says.She adds that the city,but the event is Young Mentors Group ketball and working at a when race is thrown into free. and with a background in first job.She says it would the mix it can cause mis- "I think it's great,"said social work,he has plenty be great to eventually communication between Maplewood Police Chief of experience to bring to hold mock job interviews the groups.She explains Paul Schnell. "Anything the table. or provide transportation that she joined the Human we can do for outreach The Young Mentors to bring the teens to cul- Rights Commission "to is great,and a library is a Group meets once a week tural events or a basketball create change and stir up great place to do it." for teenagers to have game. a conversation people have On April 29,the Maple- group conversations,talk difficulty talking about." wood Public Library, with community leaders The time is now Garza has noticed vari- 3025 Southlawn Drive, like police officers,partici- "We desperately need ous barriers that Maple- will shut down at 5 p.m. pate in enrichment oppor- to invest in our youth in wood teenagers face when as usual,but will reopen tunities like community Maplewood. We can see they seek community from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m. gardening and attend field on TV that things are involvement and recre- for kids ages 12 through trips. overwhelmingly not going - ational opportunities. 18 for a Library After Garza hopes Maplewood well for kids of color... One big barrier is simply Dark event. families with teens take [Klids are shooting each the awkward upside-down Teens will be able to an interest in the Library other on the streets." "L"shape of the suburb. spend time at any of the After Dark program so Schnell says that the Although Maplewood's activity stations, which that more opportunities Library After Dark pro- irregular shape can't be will include things like like these can be offered in gram gives teens another changed,it can lead to a movies, video games, the future. option instead of hang- transportation barrier for board games and technol- "She's a good cheer- ing out in places the city teenagers who still rely ogy projects. Parents are leader for this stuff.It's doesn't want them to. on their parents to drive welcome to attend as well. rare and nice actually," "To have a place and them to activities.Garza The aim of this event is Turner said about Garza's location and people that says it can be isolating to to provide a safe place for enthusiasm for youth proj- can provide some direc- live on the southern leg of teens to hang out,but two ects. tion and resources and the city when many of the library staff members and time,I think it will be ben- recreational amenities are two human rights commis- 'It takes a village' eficial,"he said. located further north. sioners will also use the Garza says the Maple- Since Garza's son gradu- One such amenity is the event as an opportunity to wood Human Rights ated from high school two Maplewood Community teach conflict resolution Commission plans to years ago, some of his Center at 2100 White Bear skills. offer Library After Dark acquaintances from school Ave. At the beginning of the twice a month from and the basketball courts While the community event,the adult volunteers April 29 through August. have been involved in gun center offers several entic- will have the group come Garza hopes that by violence. ing programs and appeal- together to talk.The teens August the program will "For me as a parent ing facilities,not all fami- will introduce themselves have found enough sup- that's real. This is real lies can afford an annual and share how their day porters to continue fund- life in Maplewood, and membership or even the was or talk about things ing activities into the I think we need to start daily admission fee. going on in their lives. autumn months. talking about it,"Garza In instances like this, They will be able to talk The Library After Dark said."Sometimes you just money becomes a barrier about the issues they face program is seeking finan- need that one interruption for some youths. at school,at home or in cial and volunteer support in a child's life to change the community. to help provide a positive their course." Library after Dark experience for Maple- Thanks in part to Gar- Inspiration wood's teens.Garza says Aundrea Kinney (00 he za's passion for eneglifit Garza's daughter she is trying to "bring reaciunitg flai.74reg832 or Maplewood youth, the attended a Library After back the village mentality" akinney @llllieneais.com. Human Rights Commis- Dark event in St. Paul which she hopes will show sion has partnered with.and the Young Mentors teens that the community