HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 04-27 Maplewood man admits to aggravating factors in beating death of child MAPLEWOOD REVIEW APR 2 7 2016 Maplewood man admits to aggravating factors in beating death of child Leb Meak sents double the prison they responded to a call injured,he said that she her case is still pending. and hitting Xiong in the time the sentencing guide- just after 11 p.m.on the fell and hit her head on a Also during police inter- abdominal area at least facing 25 years lines recommend and will 2500 block of Barclay space heater in the bed- views,Meak revealed that three times,causing seri- need court approval at Street of a small child room the night before. every time he changed ous internal injuries.The in prison sentencing on June 3. who was not breathing. During formal inter- Xiong's diaper, she was autopsy report revealed - This defen- The officers views with the Maple- spanked but not to the the toddler suffered a On the morning of dant badly beat noted that wood Police Department, point where she"pass[edj liver laceration,injuries April 19,Leb Mike Meak a child and Me ak was Meak said that Xiong was out or anything." to the pancreas and duo- admitted to aggravat- waited to call very calm the daughter of his girl- He also shared with denum,hemorrhaging,Xs( • ing factors in the beat- 911 until she and uncon- friend, Lie Pearson,and police that he thought the the transference on, ing death of Genesis succumbed to ,. cerned when because she worked a lot, bruises on her torso hap- rib fracture,and extensive Xiong, an 18-month-old her injuries," , •t - they arrived. he had been the child's pened when he"roughed bruising all over the body. girl under his care at his said Ramsey H e 1 e d caretaker for the previous her up a little bit"while At the hearing, Meak home in Maplewood. County Attor- them down- month, and that Xiong changing her diaper. He also admitted to throw- ' Meak is expected to be neyJohn Choi. stairs to a had been living with him also admitted to shaking ing Xiong toward a bed, sentenced to 25 years in "We a r e b e d r o o m for two and a half weeks. the little girl a few rimes. causing her head and face prison for the toddler's pleased with ts•Mike Moak where Xiong Pearson lived in Farm- The Minnesota Bureau to slam against a wall.He murder,which occurred n was last at of Criminal Apprehension said that he was aware mur the resolution w I ington, and w pp on Feb.12,2015. of this case ing on her Meak's house the previ- Crime Scene Team took Xiong was severely hurt, The 36-year-old Meak knowing that nothing back unresponsive with ous Sunday or Monday, swabs and located semen as she screamed and cried was charged with sec- will make up for the loss her mouth and eyes about four or five days on Xiong's genital area. in pain,yet did not call ond-degree murder and of a young life.I want to open.During the attempt before the child's death. Meak denied being the 911,the baby's mother or pleaded guilty in Sep- thank the prosecutor from to revive her, officers According to media culprit. any other family members tember.According to the my office along with the noticed black and pur- reports, Pearson was As part of the April until several hours later Ramsey County Attor- Maplewood Police Depart- ple bruises covering the charged with child 19 hearing,Meak admit- after he discovered Xiong net's Office, Meak's merit for their hard work child's chest and stomach. endangerment,and man- ted to squeezing Xiong was not breathing. April 19 agreement for a in this case." When Meak was asked slaughter for ignoring around the chest area 25-year sentence repre- Maplewood police said if Xiong had been recently signs of child abuse,and causing a rib to fracture —Aundrea Kinne,