HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 04-20 We can all take part in Earth Day MAPLEWOOD REVIEW ....___ °k -' ., 1'"" / ^_ / i Linda Baumeister/ Review Water is � � again flow- '"'�; A ing this- 'r- .., -e -- spring at a .--: '..3, neighbor- hood creek behind ,i Cowern Elementary _ .z. School. We can all take part in Earth Day `A nation that destroys its soils Control Agency lists a few simple ways beginning of spring. Events are being destroys itself.Forests are the lungs of our we can all get a little greener in our held at the following locations: land,purifying the air and giving fresh everyday life through checking for toi- .• Bald Eagle-Otter Lake Regional strength to our people." . let leaks,raducing food waste,and recy- Park and Off-Leash Dog Area. 5750 —Franklin D.Roosevelt cling. Changing simple habits can have Otter Lake Road, White Bear Town- a profound effect on the world around ship,MN 55110 This year marks the official five us. Learn more about what you can • Tamarack Nature Center. 5287 year countdown to the 50th anniver- do here: www.pca.state.mn.us/living- Otter Lake Road, White Bear Town- sary of Earth Day. First celebrated on green/living-green-citizens. ship,MN 55110 April 22nd, 1970,when 20 I am proud to say that • Keller Lake Regional Park. 2161 million people across the our region has developed Maplewood Drive, Ma.plfwood, MN United States called for numerous groups and long- 55109 action and advocated for standing traditions that the protection of our natu- r aim to give back to our nat- Mahtomedi ral resources. ural world and better our Mahtomedi will be celebrating its This celebration helped community for its people 10th annual Earth Day event, RITE �oF to pass the Clean Air Act, and visitors. In 2015, Oak- (Really Into The Earth) of Spring, Clean Water Act, Endan- dale won the first-ever City Saturday April 23. The event takes gered Species Act and Sustainability Award for place at the Mahtomedi District Edu- helped to establish the its Generation Green Sus- cation Center from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. creation of the Environ- tainability Program by the and includes educational workshops mental Protection Agency. State Sen. League of Minnesota Cit- and info-stations, electronics recycling, Before Earth Day, millions Chuck Wiger ies. Other cities across our unused medication disposal, guided of Americans experienced District 43 area have pledged to work trail walks and giveaways. exposure to environmental towards greater sustain degradation and pollution. Since then, ability by becoming a GreenStep City. North St.Paul the EPA and other organizations have As individuals, it is easy to participate There will be an Earth Day clean up made tremendous strides in the effort in the Earth Day festivities; over the on Saturday, April 23 at Southwood to protect our natural resources and next few weeks, communities across Nature Preserve. Volunteers will assist our citizens from the effects of indus- the state are holding events in support naturalists in removing invasive plans trialization.Presently,Earth Day serves of Earth Day.Here are just a few of the and cleaning up trash. The event is as a positive reminder that we should events that are happening within our from 8 a.m.- 12 p.m.,a light lunch will all be stewards to our environment and area. be served at 11:30 a.m.for volunteers. can do our part to make our world a Also on Saturday,April 23,the Envi- safer,cleaner and better place. Ramsey County ronmental Advisory Commission is Over the next five years, Earth Day Starting April 21, Ramsey County giving away a limited amount of corn- Network will support five different ini- is holding gas can exchanges for resi- plimentary trees to North St. Paul resi- tiatives to work towards the greater dents to exchange their old gas can to dents. The trees are 4 to 6 feet tall and goal of sustainability by 2020. This receive new, safer ones. Old portable in five-gallon pots; planting instruc- year's theme is "Trees for the Earth," gas cans release vapors that pollute our lions are included. To reserve a tree, the goal is to plant a tree for every liv- air.The new gas cans are vent-free and register online or call 651-747-2409. ing person on the planet by 2020;that's are designed to prevent spills.Exchange As always, please contact me with 7.8 billion trees! Trees are an essential your gas can for free today to reduce air questions or suggestions regarding any part of our ecosystem, and our liveli- pollution. issue. I encourage you to visit me at hood. Trees help the planet by remov- • Bay West, Ina 5 Empire Drive, St. the Capitol, or let me know if you'd ing excess CO2,odors and harmful poi- Paul like me to stop by your home or apart- lutants from the atmosphere.They also ment. Also, please tune in to my local promote biodiversity by providing habi- White Bear Lake and Maplewood cable TV show, "Your Capitol: What's tats to countless species and economi- The Annual Ramsey County parks Up?" which appears on public access tally,promote higher property values. Earth Day Cleanup will be held April channels 15 and 16. I can be reached Earth Day is a great reminder for 23 starting at 9 a.m. The event is by email at sen.chuck.wiger@senate. us to continue to reduce our environ- geared towards volunteers of all ages inn and by phone at 651-296-6820 or mental footprint and limit our energy and the focus of the cleanup is to pick by cell at 651-770-0283. consumption.The Minnesota Pollution up trash and beautify the parks for the