HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 04-06 Public Notices April 06, 2016 MAPLEWOOD REVIEW4/13/2016 Public Notices April 6, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com Public Notices April 6, 2016 Ramsey County Maplewood Review Public Notices, Foreclosure Notices & Legal Notices published April 6, 2016 in the Ramsey County - Maplewood Review. Serving the surrounding communities of Oakdale, Lake Elmo and Washington County. CITY OF MAPLEWOOD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE What is Being Requested? Peter Stalland, on behalf of Tom Hermanson and Ebenezer Karen Baptist Church, is requesting approval of a conditional use permit for a church to operate at the building located at 1055 Viking Drive East. If approved, Ebenezer Karen Baptist Church would purchase the building and property. Public Hearing Information The Maplewood Planning Commission will review this request on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 7 p.m. or later in the Maplewood City Council Chambers located at 1830 County Road B East. All interested parties may present their views orally or in writing. Sign language interpreters are available. You must request this service at least 96 hours in advance. Call the city clerk at 651-249-2001 to arrange this service. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the city clerk for availability. Why this notice? The city code requires that the planning commission hold a public hearing when considering conditional use permits for churches. Contacts To discuss this request or seek additional information about this proposal, please contact Michael Martin, AICP, Economic Development Coordinator by telephone at 651-249-2303 or by email at michael.martin@maplewoodmn.gov. (Review: Apr. 6, 2016) CITY OF MAPLEWOOD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE What is Being Requested? The City of Maplewood is proposing an amendment to the City's code amending the city ordinance changing the year of our municipal elections from odd to even year. If adopted, this ordinance change would take effect in 2018. Public Hearing Information The Maplewood City Council will hold a public hearing for this ordinance amendment on Monday, April 11, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. or later. The City Council will hold this meeting at Maplewood City Hall, 1830 County Road B East in the City Council Chambers. All interested persons may appear at the hearing and present their views orally or they may submit written comments to the City Clerk before the meeting. Sign language interpreters are available. You must request this service at least four days in advance. Call the city clerk at 651-249-2002 to arrange this service. Why This Notice? Maplewood City ordinance requires the city hold a public hearing when considering ordinance amendments. Contacts To discuss this request or seek additional information about this proposed change, please contact Karen Haag by email at Karen.haag@maplewoodmn.gov or by telephone at 651-249-2002. (Review: Mar. 30, Apr. 6, 2016) hfp://www.Iillienews.com/content/public-notices-apri1-6-2016-ramsey-county-maplewood-review 1/3 4/13/2016 Public Notices April 6, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota will receive sealed bids for the construction of the following projectwithin the city limits on the basis of cash payment for the work: Maplewood, Minnesota City Project 15-19 Fish Creek Trail Improvements The projectwill include the following approximate quantities: 5,750 SY Bituminous Trail 1 LS Erosion Control Plan 6,450 SY 6 -Inch Thick Aggregate Base 940 SY Infiltration Basin Preparation 2,150 CY Common Excavation 2.50 ACRES Seeding/Turf Establishment The project is to begin on or about August 8, 2016, and be completed by October 19, 2016. Bids will be received until 10:00 A.M. on the 21st day of April, 2016, at the municipal building, 1830 County Road B East, Maplewood, Minnesota, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened, read, aloud, and considered. Proposals must be placed in asealed envelope with the statement thereof "BID FOR CITY PROJECT 15-19, FISH CREEK TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS." Proposals shall be submitted to the city clerk on or before the above stated time. Proposal is for the furnishing of all labor, equipment, and materials and performing all work in connection with the above stated construction. PLANHOLDERS LIST, ADDENDUMS AND BID TABULATION: The planholders list, addendums and bid tabulations will be available for download on-line at www.mapiewoodmn.gov or www.questcdn.com. Any addendums may also be distributed by mail, fax or email. http://www.1 i I I ienews.com/content/public-notices-apri 1 -6 -2016 -ram sey-county-m apl ewood-review 2/3 4/13/2016 Public Notices April 6, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com TO OBTAIN BID DOCUMENTS: Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www.mapiewoodmn.gov or www.questcdn.com. You may view the digital plan documents for free by entering Quest project #4388481 on the website's Project Search page. Documents may be downloaded for $20.00. Please contact QuestCDN.com at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.com for assistance in free membership registration, viewing, downloading, and working with this digital project information. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, payable to the City of Maplewood, Minnesota, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid, conditioned that if the bidder is the successful bidder, they will enter into a contract in accordance with said bid and will furnish such performance bonds as are specified. No bidder may withdraw their bid for at least 90 days after the scheduled closing time for the receipt of bids, without the consent of the owner. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The city also reserves the right to waive any minor irregularities and deviations; however, any bid which contains a material variance from plans and specifications will be rejected. A material variance is one that gives a bidder a substantial benefit or advantage not enjoyed by other bidders. Karen Haag, City Clerk City of Maplewood, Minnesota (Review: Mar. 30, Apr. 6, 13, 20, 2016) http://www.I i l l i enews.com/content/publ ic-notices-apri 1 -6 -2016 -ram sey-county-m aplewood-review 3/3