HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 03-23 Bulletin Board March 23, 2016 MAPLEWOOD REVIEW3/30/2016 Ramsey County -Maplewood Review bulletin board March 23, 2016 1 Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com Ramsey County- Maplewood Review bulletin board March 23, 2016 Submitted by admin on Wed, 03/23/2016 - 12:00am Maplewood Easter egg hunt Maplewood's annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, March 26, at Egerton Community Gym, 1929 Edgerton Street, Maplewood. We will start our morning off at 10 a.m. with breakfast treats, colorful crafts and a visit from the Easter Bunny - then its happy hunting! Children will be divided into two age groups and will be hunting for wrapped candy and plastic eggs, some of which may be redeemed for great prizes. Bags of goodies will be available for children under 2 years of age. In the event of inclement weather, treat bags will be given away at 11 a.m. at the Edgerton Community Gym. Children ages three to five will hunt eggs at 11 a.m. and children ages six to eight will hunt eggs at 11:30 a.m. The cost is $5.00 per child, and registration is required. To register visithttps://apm.activecommunities.com/mapiewoodmn/Home, call customer service at 651-249-2230 or 651-249-2120, or register in person at the Maplewood Community Center, 2100 White Bear Avenue, Maplewood. Invasive plant patrol training Invasive plant patrol training is a free program Monday, March 28, is for adults and families with older kids. This year it will not be hosted at Maplewood Nature Center. Instead, it will be at North St. Paul City Hall, 2400 Margaret Street N, St. Paul, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. You will learn how to help stop new invasive plants in their tracks. Early detection of infestations will prevent more buckthorn - like takeovers. In the first hour of the class, learn why we should care about invasive species, whatwe can do and how the patrol works. You will also meet the target species. For those interested in open space monitoring, the training period of the class will last a little over two hours. You can sharpen your plant identification skills with a hands-on plant lab and learn how to mark locations and send in a report. You can choose a site to monitor throughout the season. Bring your own GPS unit or smart phone if you have one, and know how to find your GPS settings or location settings for your smart phone/smart phone camera before the class begins. This class is ideal for Master Naturalists & Gardeners, native plant enthusiasts, college students, older teens and adults http://www.bulIetin-news.com/articles/2016/03/23/ramsey-county-maplewood-review-bulletin-board-march-23-2016 1/2 3/30/2016 Ramsey County -Maplewood Review bulletin board March 23, 2016 1 Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com wanting to make a difference in their local ecosystems. To register, call Carole Gernes, (651) 792-7977, or email:carole.gernes(nrwmwd.org Citizen Science Day Join current Maplewood Citizen Scientists and staff Saturday, April 2 from 10 a.m. to noon for a celebration and recruitment day atthe Maplewood Nature Center, 2659 7th Street E., Maplewood. Itwill be a jam-packed morning with a special presentation and monitor program overview. At 10 a.m. the Sandhill Cranes Presentation will begin. Researcher David Wolfson will discuss his research on Sandhill cranes in northern Minnesota. Learn how he captures cranes and uses technology to learn habits and migration patterns of this ancient species. From 11 a.m. to noon there will be a short overview of our citizen science volunteer opportunities. Visit stations for open space, frog, bluebird, invasive plant and pollinator monitoring information and sign up to volunteer. Get a jump on new volunteer orientation planned for Tuesday, April 12, by filling in your forms before leaving! This event is free. Adults and kids ages 12 and older may pre -register by Thursday, March 31. To register online go to www.maplewoodnaturecenter. com or call 651-249-2170. http://www. bul Ieti n-news.com/articles/2016/03/23/ram sey-county-m aplewood-revi ew-bul Ieti n -board -m arch -23-2016 2/2