HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 03-30 The Battle of Battle Creek MAPLEWOOD REVIEW3/30/2016 The Battle of Battle Creek I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - Li IIieNews.com The Battle of Battle Creek Submitted by admin on Wed, 03/30/2016 - 12:OOam The sandstone naviN'te and caves where I.he con/lIct occurred is fl4'Pw part of Battle Creek Park, (suk initted [,)hot(.,)) Frank Gilbertson Maplewood Heritage Preservation Commissioner Maplewood today is the sum of its deep and varied history. Many local sites are named after famous people, events or conflicts. Battle Creek Park is one such location. Between 1805 and 1858, treaties made between the United States government and the Dakota nation reduced Dakota lands and altered Maplewood's physical, cultural and political landscape. These treaties had significant impact on the lives of the Dakota people and the European -Americans moving into Minnesota during the first half of the 1800's. Given the changes to the land occupied by the First Nations' people it is understandable there would be conflict between the Chippewa and Dakota people who lived in proximity to what is now Maplewood and St. Paul. One of the earliest accounts of conflict documents the summer of 1842 when the Chippewa of the St. Croix planned a reactive blow against the Dakota village of Kaposia on the west bank of the Mississippi. According to the account, a band of approximately 100 warriors marched to the bluff near Pig's Eye Lake. The attackers hid in the deep ravine near the mouth of what is now called Battle Creek, east of the Mississippi, to await a proper moment for the attack. Two Dakota woman were hoeing corn in a field in front of their position at Pig's Eye Lake. The warriors fired upon the women killing one and mortally wounding the other. The Dakota warriors of Kaposia heard the sound of guns and they rallied to fight the Chippewa. Parties circled and fought. Hand-to-hand encounters and gunfire were exchanged for approximately two hours. Finally the Chippewa withdrew, defeated. The Dakota chased them several miles toward the town of Stillwater. http://www. bul I eti rr news.com/articles/2016/03/30/battle-battle- creek 1/2 3/30/2016 The Battle of Battle Creek I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - Li IIieNews.com The Chippewa left nine or ten dead. The Dakota loss was heavier despite their victory. Different accounts place their loss at twenty warriors including the mortally wounded. Troops from Fort Snelling, acting on a policy to prevent and punish such exchanges, traveled in boats and by horse, but did not arrive until after the fight was over. The 60 Stories Project is a collaboration between Maplewood Area Historical Society and the Maplewood Heritage Preservation Commission. For more stories, visitwww.maplewoodMN.gov/60stories. http://www. bul I eti rr news.com/articles/2016/03/30/battle-battle- creek 2/2