HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 03-27 Prescribed burns to start on parkland PIONEER PRESS 3/28/2016 St.Paul Pioneer Press Ramsey County Prescribed urns to start rl Starting this month, Ramsey County Parks & Recreation will conduct prescribed burns on county-owned woodland and prairie parkland. Prescribed burns help control weeds and invasive species and promote the growth of native plants. Such burns are dependent on weather and wind conditions, so they typically are not scheduled more than a day in advance. Burn information is available on the agency's Twitter account. In a news release, the county noted that residents may see and smell smoke from the burns. Prescribed burns for the season are scheduled for: • Long Lake Regional Park in New Brighton; • Otter Lake Regional Park in White Bear Township; • Rice Creek Regional Park in Lino Lakes; • Tony Schmidt Regional Park in Arden Hills; • and Fish Creek Open Space in Maplewood. The county expects to have its prescribed burns finished by June. — Will Ashenmacher hftp://sai ntpaul pioneerpress.m n.newsm emory.com/?token=50aab55ffeffel bbl da5876f2c6022cb_csc @m apl ewoodm n.gov&sel Date=20160327&goTo=B02&artid=... 1/1