HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 03-25 Friday Opinuendo: Elephants and hippos PIONEER PRESS 3/25/2016 St.Paul Pioneer Press Elephants and hippos Writing as a "New Guy" on the Maplewood City Council, Bryan Smith reflects in the city's newsletter on life lessons involved in taking office. Among them: more elephants and fewer hippos. Picture it, he writes: "Elephants have huge ears and small mouths, while hippos have huge mouths and small ears. I know I can tend to be more of a hippo — more apt to speak than am to listen carefully." Smith says he is doing his best to be "more of an elephant," slowing down to listen. "When am successful, I find it serves me quite well," he writes. hftp://sai ntpaul pioneerpress.m n.newsm emory.com/?token=d2cd2l2a4b0152eO5fefl dc57166273d_csc @m apl ewoodm n.gov&sel Date=20160325&goTo=A08&arti... 1/1