HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 03-16 U.S. Sen. Al Franken nominated three Maplewood students for admission to US Service Academies MAPLEWOOD REVIEW3/17/2016 Maplewood -Ramsey County Review people - published March 16, 2016 1 Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com U.S. Senator Al Franken announced Feb. 19, that he has nominated three Maplewood students for admission to U.S. Service Academies. Maplewood -Ramsey County Review people - published March 16, 2016 Submitted by admin on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 12:OOam U.S. Senator Al Franken announced Feb. 19, that he has nominated three Maplewood students for admission to U.S. Service Academies. The three are Sarah Warner and Marco Pirozzoli, nominated to the U.S. Air Force Academy, and John Jack Butler, nominated to the U.S. Naval Academy. If chosen for an appointmentthey will enter this summer and join the class of 2020. "Each year, I nominate several talented young Minnesotans to our nation's military academies because of their strong character, academic and athletic achievements, and demonstrated leadership ability." Franken said. "I have no doubtthat Sarah, Marco and John have the ability to excel at the U.S. Service Academies and become successful future leaders in our nation s military." Warner, the daughter of Christine and Mark Warner, is currently a senior at North High School where she participates in varsity tennis, hockey, and lacrosse. She is also a JROTC flight commander and a part of the National Honor Society. Pirozzoli, the son of Karen and Michael Pirozzoli, is currently a senior at Mahtomedi High school, where he is the captain of the Alpine Ski team. He also participates in the National Honor Society, rocketteam, soccer team, track and field team and the school band. He is also a flight commander in his JROTC program. Butler, the son of Timothy and Susan Butler, is currently a senior at Hill -Murray High School. He participates in varsity basketball, the tennis team, the National Honor Society and is the recipient of the Gold Service Award for community volunteering. http://www.I i l l i enews.com/articles/2016/03/16/m aplewood-ram sey-county-review-people-published-m arch -16-2016-0 1 /1