HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 01-20 Public Notices January 20, 2016 MAPLEWOOD REVIEW3/14/2016 Public Notices January 20, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com Public Notices January 20, 2016 Ramsey County -Maplewood Review Public Notices, Foreclosure Notices & Legal Notices published January 20, 2016 in the Ramsey County - Maplewood Review. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE What is Being Requested? Galilee Lutheran Church is seeking approval to build a community garden at 1958 Rice Street. Galilee Lutheran Church will be leasing the land from St. Paul Regional Water Services to install the temporary garden until the utility is in need of the property. The request would also include maintaining the 15 space, parking lot that is currently on site. The applicant is requesting city council approval of a conditional use permit (CUP). Public Hearing Information The Maplewood Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for this proposal on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, at 7 p.m. or later in the Maplewood City Council Chambers located at 1830 County Road B East. All interested parties may present their views orally or in writing. Sign language interpreters are available. You must request this service at least 96 hours in advance. Please call the city clerk at 651-249-2001 to arrange this service. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Please check with the city clerk for availability. Why This Notice? City code requires that the planning commission hold a public hearing when considering conditional use permits. The planning commission will review and make a recommendation regarding this proposal. The city council will make the final decision. Contact If you would like further information, please contact Daniela Lorenz by telephone at 651-249-2320 or by email at Daniela.lorenz@mapiewoodmn.gov (Review: Jan. 20, 2016) CITY OF MAPLEWOOD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE What is Being Requested? The City of Maplewood's Engineering Department is requesting that the Maplewood City Council vacate a portion of a utility and drainage easement located at 2115 Lydia Avenue. During a recent title search of the property it was determined that the existing single family house was constructed 5 feet within a 10 -foot -wide utility and drainage easement on the east side of the property. The Engineering Department has determined that there is no public need for the 5 -foot -wide portion of the easement that the single family house encroaches into. Therefore, in order to clear the title the Engineering Department is requesting that this portion of the easement be vacated. Public Hearing Information The Maplewood Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for this proposal on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. or later. This meeting will be held at the Maplewood City Hall, 1830 County Road B East in the City Council Chambers. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and present their views orally or submit written comments before the meeting. Sign language interpreters are available. You must request this service at least four days in advance. Call the city clerk at (651) 249-2002 to arrange this service. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Check with the city clerk for availability. Why This Notice? City code requires that the Planning Commission hold a public hearing when considering the vacation of public easements. The Planning Commission will review and make a recommendation regarding this proposal. The City Council will make the final decision. http://www. bul I eti n-news.com/content/publ is-noti ces-january-20-2016-ram sey-county-m apl ewood-review 1/1 Contact To discuss this request or get additional information about this proposal, please contact Shann Finwall, Environmental Planner, at (651) 249-2304 or shann.finwall@maplewoodmn.gov. (Review: Jan. 20, 2016) CITY OF MAPLEWOOD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE What is Being Requested? Ryan and Sarah Buhl are proposing to construct a new single family house on a vacant lot located at 2214 Woodlynn Avenue East. There is a Manage C wetland located on the lot. The City's wetland ordinance requires a 50 -foot wetland buffer be maintained around a Manage C wetland. In order to construct the single family house, the Buhl's must receive a wetland buffer variance from the City. Public Hearing Information The Maplewood Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for this proposal on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. or later. This meeting will be held at the Maplewood City Hall, 1830 County Road B East in the City Council Chambers. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and present their views orally or submit written comments before the meeting. Sign language interpreters are available. You must request this service at least four days in advance. Call the city clerk at (651) 249-2002 to arrange this service. Assisted Listening Devices are also available. Check with the city clerk for availability. Why This Notice? City code requires that the planning commission hold a public hearing when considering variances. The Planning Commission will review and make a recommendation regarding this proposal. The City Council will make the final decision. Contact To discuss this request or get additional information about this proposal, please contact Shann Finwall, Environmental Planner, at (651) 249-2304 or shann.finwall@maplewoodmn.gov. (Review: Jan. 20, 2016)