HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 01-13 Public Notices January 13, 2016 MAPLEWOOD REVIEW3/14/2016 Public Notices January 13, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com Public Notices .January 13, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review Public Notices, Foreclosure Notices & Legal Notices published January 13, 2016 in the Ramsey County - Maplewood Review. SUMMARY BUDGET STATEMENT The purpose of this report is to provide summary 2016 budget information concerning the City of Maplewood to interested citizens. This budget summary is published in the format prescribed by Minnesota Statutes Section 471 .6965. This is not the complete city budget; the complete city budget may be examined at Maplewood City Hall or on the City website atwww.maplewoodmn.gov. The City Council approved this budget on December 14, 2015. GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS20152016BudgetBudgetRevenue Taxes: Property taxes$18,077,250 $18,740,430 Tax Increments853,000 1,078,000 All other taxes197,250 792,100 Special assessments 1,588,370 1,470,970 Licenses and permits ,287,270 1,244,040 Intergovernmental revenue: Federal191,670 88,000 State2,802,930 3,028,260 Charges for services3,929,280 3,840,760 Fines and forfeits237,600 274,000 Miscellaneous789,300 548,160 Interest earnings'! 24,800 192,450 Total revenue30,078,720 31,297,170 Expenditures General government3,635,160 3,817,180 Public safety10,092,430 10,486,470 Streets and highways2,270,590 2,303,350 Public health and welfare119,350 126,950 Culture and recreation2,229,540 2,239,940 Urban development and housing1,023,340 927,130 Capital outlay1,579,950 1,191,640 Debt service18,175,270 13,758,210 Miscellaneous228,460 154,400 Total expenditures39,354,090 35,005,270 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures(9,275,370)(3,708,100) Other financing sources and (uses): Transfers from other funds9,443,700 6,398,440 Transfers to other funds(7,783,320) (5,147,290) Bond proceeds4,136,800 0 Excess (deficiency) of revenue and other financing sources over expenditures and other financing uses($ 3,478,190)($2,456,950)Property tax levy requirement to fund this budget$18,991 ,610 $19,751,270 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2016 BudgetAmbulanceCommunityEnvironmental RecyclingStreet LightTotalTotalService Fund Center FundUtility FundSewer FundUtility Fund 2016 Budget 2015 BudgetRevenues: Operating revenue$2,359,250 $2,044,350 $2,562,070 $686,220 $4,904,300 $477,260 $13,033,450 $12,877,220 Expenses: Operating expense2,518,380 2,309,830 1,356,030 694,020 4,237,230 238,500 11,353,990 11,159,620 Depreciation73,170 257,690 573,520 0 393,170 0 1,297,550 1,240,580 Operating income(loss)(232,300)(523,170)632,520 (7,800)273,900 238,760 381,910 477,020 Net non-operating income(loss)429,370 492,490 200 1,020 9,900 (3,640)929,340 960,440 Net income(loss) before transfers'! 97,070 (30,680)632,720 (6,780)283,800 235,120 1,311,250 1,437,460 Transfers in (out)0 0 (792,020)0 (459,130)0 (1,251,150) (1,660,380)Net income (loss)$197,070 ($30,680)($159,300)($6,780)($175,330)$235,120 $60,100 ($222,920)Program Fund (Review: Jan. 13, 2016) http://www. bul I eti n-news.com/content/publ is-noti ces-january-13-2016-ram sey-county-m apl ewood-review 1/1