HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 02-26 60 Years, 60 Stories PIONEER PRESS 2/26/2016 Main On history, bugs, circles and more ... >Editorials Friday Opinuendo 60 years, 60 stories In anticipation of Maplewood's 60th anniversary, local history buffs have teamed up to write a story each week for the 60 weeks leading up to the anniversary on Feb. 26, 2017. Stories are released each Thursday on Twitter, Facebook and Maplewood's #60Stories webpage: mal2lewooclmn.gov/1513/60-Stories. In one on the "Ghost town of Gladstone," Heritage Preservation Commissioner Peter Boulay writes about the now-vanished city at English Street and Frost Avenue that later was absorbed into modern-day Maplewood. In 1886, William and Mary Dawson founded Gladstone, named after the British Prime Minister, Boulay writes. It was a working man's town with two large manufacturing businesses, the St. Paul Plow Works and the shops of the St. Paul and Duluth Railroad. Soon there were three saloons and one nondenominational church. The town, he reports, also had a constable, "Two Gun" Allen, and "the town wasn't shy to form an armed posse, as well, when the need arose." 1/1