HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 02-17 CAPM Leadership Award nominations requested - Asian American Press 2n7/206 CAPM Loaoorsmp*eam nominations requested|Asian American Press APM Leadership Awa d nominations requested BY ANNEWSUIN COMMUNITY -- 16 FEB, 2016 ST PAUL, Minn. (Feb. 18. 201S)-- The Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans ("the Council") is currently seeking nomination submissions for our 2016 Asian Pacific Minnesotans Leadership Awards. Please help un honor outstanding Asian Pacific heritage individuals and/or groups who have given generously of their time and energy to serving and improving ourAsian Pacific Minnesotan community. A Selection Committee of Council board members will select the award recipients from the pool of nominations. The Awards Ceremony will be held at the Maplewood Community Center on May 20m. 2010' during Asian Heritage Month. Avondoes in the pant have included the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota, Sr. Judge Gail Chang Bohr, Bo Thao-Urobe, Chang VVang, and the Cultural Society of Filipino Americans. The Council honors J nd ivid uals and/or orcianizations who have: 0 Made significant contributions to the Asian Pacific Minnesotan community; or 0 Advanced systemic eon|a|, enonom|c, or educational justice for and/or on behalf of Asian Pacific Minnesotans; or m Contributed to the well-being of others here in Minnesota and/or elsewhere in the world; or 0 Demonstrated visionary leadership and are underage 25. Candidates are twbe nominated under one or more of the following categories: � Outstanding Service Award � Lifetime Service Award � Humanitarian Award � Asian Pacific Minnesotans to Watch (underage 25) Nomination submission guidelines: rmp://ammvso.com/commvnitytapm'|eadoramp�-mward-nominations-,equestvd 1/4 2/17/2016 CAPM Leadership Award nominations requested i Asian American Press • Documents submitted will not be returned (items of personal value should not be submitted). • We suggest the nominator keep a copy of the materials for his/her record. • We must RECEIVE nomination materials no later than 5:00 P.M., Friday, March 18. 2016 • Submission packet may be emailed, mailed, or hand delivered to the following address: 2016 Asian Pacific Minnesotans Leadership Awards Nominations Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans 658 Cedar Street, Suite 160 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155 Disclaimer: Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans board members, staff, or their immediate family members MAY NOT submit nominations or write letters of support for any nominee. These same individuals may not be nominated for an award, though it is acceptable to have an affiliation with a nominated organization. Nominations for those who have previously received a Council Leadership Award, out of fairness, will not be accepted. Additionally, nominator and co-nominators cannot be immediate family member or relatives of the nominee. .......................................................................................... ............................................... 2016 ASIAN PACIFIC MINNESOTANS LEADERSHIP AWARDS NOMINATION INSTRUCTIONS A submission packet must include the following: Nomination Letter: ■ 1 —2 page(s), typed letter from the nominator(s). ■ Give a detailed description explaining why the nominee is the ideal candidate for an award. • Specific examples should be used such as copies of newspaper articles and other written documents about the nominee. • Please include any compelling reasons which capture why you believe the nominee is a deserving candidate. • Describe the impact of the nominee's contribution: who and how many have benefited from the nominee's work. ■ Include nomination category(s) from the list on Page 1. • On a separate third page, please document the following for BOTH thenominee and the nominator: Full, Correct Spelling of Name Complete Mailing Address (including City, State, and ZIP Code) Home Phone Number(including Area Code) Work Phone Number(including Area Code) http://aapress.com/com m unity/capm-1 eadershi p-award nom i nati ons-requested/ 2/4 2/17/2016 CAPM Leadership Award nominations requested i Asian American Press Cell Phone Number (including Area Code) Fax Number (including Area Code) E-mail Address If nominating an organization, list information above for two contacts Letter(s) of Support: (Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of Page 1). • It would be helpful to have additional people supporting the nomination; it is most helpful if each writer can offer unique perspectives on the nominee. • It is highly recommended that each supporting person knows the nominee in distinct capacities and for a considerable length of time. • Letters should paint a well-informed, thorough testament of the nominee's qualifications, make a case for strong consideration by the Selection Committee, and communicate confidence in nominators' endorsement of the nominee. A Resume and a brief Biography of candidate (nominee may prepare documents). Photograph: Submit one 3" x 5" or 4" x 6" color photo. Optional: Copies of press coverage, sample work, brief stories, history, etc. (encouraged if available). Please read before submitting nominations: (1 ) Co- nominators are allowed. It is the nominator's responsibility to compile all the nomination materials and submit them in the manner outlined above and on Page 1 under Nomination Submission Guidelines. Nominees may not turn in the materials to the Council. (2)A nominee may be chosen for an award in a category other than the one listed by the nominator(s) if the Selection Committee deems there is compelling reason and cause. http://aapress.com/com m unity/capm-1 eadershi p-award nom i nati ons-requested/ 3/4