HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 02-15 Players put in hours of competitive pin... Next stop, Vegas - BringMeTheNews 2/16/2016 Players put in hours of competitive pinball... Next stop,Vegas-Bri ngM eTheN ews.com �^ iri °�'t;�;��, oro� pro, ���� Co M,���m i ..m „���� ��� �ro��� II1 'irii �"„� W ��,, I�ti�ppppp iris.�ippu ru ��� ���������iii ����������� �� ���!������� iiii iii �°��� �i�� ���� I�!� iii ��,������ �)���� � � ��)iii ���� sir �,��������� � U�ii����U�ii� ��������� ��������'iiii iii �ii� i, �������� � � ��� �������������t I li!qp Vegas . February 15, 2016 By Josette EGeff I ,�, w, N'day for On ba l an I us Ioml,s the A A ad e,ilmrks who IN ant P�,df,de to pope Ii We t 1'; c' fal"r"I t�o I'IS IIIr ' a III S, When pe`4'10e f',,.1'lk co I IpWh,,,/e, ::A L-l; I W the next E,',,v at SIdlrr ies IrT f ley got 1 ,, n 1 the , ,pIl n„s for a seven game severe e II John JI,JI°dt, ,r✓ Mar / ?1' I'[)'n and, ' rn( It e", hho� I;!. JUI/Idll, t0k1l. "rl II i ''" ,',,,i!,, Nis been p ' ig /:)lnbd&nce he !l f a I' II' ';'; I'1'1 he f I..h g reg JI`lh5"il.m to hot aiT.,de to phy, 1 °f I', I I' hn�, 9 , f ,„ � v` , :1 W � get I I I I I � c 1 J � �e(, � „r a d=� e f!d � fPI'=:s a �� I � -J,.i I .;J I,? Was e, �,'s1 J � 's16, 'd �J .s 16 �J sr �, II,i'�r .,l */'°. h� m / /c 'I r./'Irj�Jlfl %' Ie� lf � r� �a t e ""1 fed r-- r f 4 r"11 1 �"tt d,;° t f P"F{� e 9 E � r� � I/�.;kII �g Ir �1 III, .� .� �I �,�I�i�I�41 lI ��I�IImI �.,I"r�., I � .�".� � ,� �� Ie"I, � . lli��al ,.� 1 iI�I , � � ,I �..� ,ipohns, f I6sY, .11i:" sun hid tJhhtlu ,%A the year on h-1"")W , d t e y r y Jl J 1 -I ,J l , e n M: : tf IRLp° r I A / m„ arJ tt 0I y h I' No Irl p A/a M '1,';t I c"")nIt)ell:a _Ji ( I!; ai!, I a!a I' " sky I I I�. ��I , r,. � r� 1 '�, 1 r P 1 � comes down fr r / 1 / 1 �fT ICI I l "a. �'°r 111. �,.1 I,J�U/ ii�� '�. tl 1 Id ay and LI,i III J °I'� �,II f L.. make A t IPA [I n pOunod kn t e ch%`emphns Ios, I JIA It's U IP` iII 'et tln le, C01 "le CII,J,C P.1r"I I 3ve r� "" y �') e � ' f' " 1,' ,1 Iii ',��ar&'ii, j'I J �'I�./ ����, Ir, e 6 I J I- .- /vI �` ,e f �)' J J". 1:"i�a °I o:.� el Li: A999iding 191h 5 Was p✓I°I"It;IpJted In Wet III ri %f�Il ICI d 6itat C IanyiI'?nAN oyr.'I°I',s' httpWbri ngm ethenews.corn/2016/02/15/players-put-i n-hours-of-com petitive-pi nbal I-next-stop-vegas/ 1/4 MUM Mayers put in hours of competitive pinball... Next stop,Vegas-Bri ngM eTheN ews.com MaI<II Ir,�jg a F"NAmachnes have been re0aced by Adeo games hi a no of arca(ies, ann't H at. a ot to da wnl I TI r l,r a,,,�,,�°`i I i s i a v e a II)"i i r ")f r to r machhes vANkhg to Had- RA patendd, U WAlunalwAyAwn mrachhes don aNvays bAng hi enouj i nrioney to keep up v4i W-epaWtv AS says, s o n ivy a c a/,s ow ii I-a I e I�) It,I I-"I""'j", L r i- v�d,e,,r g i-i'r e,,, I i-"I s ",."a{J,, /MUxwgh the game Isn't as trendy as K once wasAunT says it sW aWe ann't rnakdri�,::,, a i ack, 0 A says the an,,J, /,".,,orr 1" o I is be onrIi f"j r-rnn-(,,,, )L ar, f�rrnj �Jck bgm [t t.,ised "to ie II III egaIII Ph-maH kmfNd k) be HWgd hq paqs of As xhween Hot 1940s and 1970s, N/IQE 5pyq, S,,,,)i(r,,,, c air 1, wa,,", �'.,a, N)n/r"I of a r i I'r i/i 11 Ki ADu rider of Te T PA, SpgWWIMXn , ,.,.n ,,Aay/,d,, a roI Iri e z III f1 i a r I�e irr to f1ght for the hgaVabon ofphbaL deaq;md &at Asms Inn" a game of AT riot a game of Wk. Me wagazhe PH S") A After den-ronsweOM; phys on a NWOUriachhe.Sharpe succes,,,,H,.A�y /,-"or Onc',',,"d "',. ...)ffic'J,""A,"," ","'Ir arguaby H ie iAqqgrdjqq hftp://bringmethenews.com/2016/02/15/piayers-put-in-hours-of-cornpetitive-pinbal1-next-stop-vegas/ 2/4