HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 02-03 Public Notices February 3, 2016 MAPLEWOOD REVIEW2/3/2016 Public Notices February 3, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE ORDINANCE FOR QWEST BROADBAND SERVICES D/B/A CENTURYLINK TO PROVIDE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Qwest Broadband Services d/b/a CenturyLink, "CenturyLink" has negotiated a franchise agreement which is to be codified as an Ordinance with the City of Maplewood for the grant of a Competitive Cable Television Franchise to provide cable communications services to the residents of Maplewood. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on February 8, 2016 at or after 7:OOp.m., the City Council of Maplewood, Minnesota will conduct a public hearing at the Maplewood City Hall, located at 1830 County Road B, East, in the City of Maplewood, regarding the Franchise Ordinance negotiated with CenturyLink for said franchise at which time all persons interested in the matter shall be heard and comments taken into the public record. A copy of the Application shall be available at the hearing or upon request at City Hall prior to the hearing. Karen Haag, City Clerk (Review: Jan. 27, Feb. 3, 2016) http://www.I i I I ienews.com/content/publ ic-notices-february-3-2016-ram sey-county-m aplewood-review 1 /1 2/3/2016 Public Notices February 3, 2016 Ramsey County - Maplewood Review I Lillie Suburban Newspapers - LillieNews.com CITY OF MAPLEWOOD COUNTY OF RAMSEY STATE OF MINNESOTA The Maplewood City Council approved the following revision to the Maplewood Code of Ordinances. Ordinance Nos. 961 and 962 Ordinances to the Maplewood Municipal Code Regulating Trees in the City of Maplewood and the Reconfiguring the City's Environmental Chapters On December 21, 2015, the Maplewood City Council adopted a Tree Ordinance and reconfiguration of the City's Environmental Chapters. Following is a summary of the new ordinances: 1. Findings and Purpose: Updated findings and purpose to include the value of specimen trees (defined as a healthy tree that is 28 inches in diameter or greater). 2. Definitions: Amendments to the definitions to add clarity to the ordinance. 3. Tree Standards All tree preservation, removal, replacement, and shade tree pest management requirements for applicants have been removed from the ordinance and placed in a separate standards document. The tree standards will be similar to the City's engineering and solid waste management standards and will allow flexibility in managing trees. Standards cannot be contrary, replace, or supersede City ordinances. 4. Tree Replacement: Revised tree replacement calculation which allows credits to the final tree replacement amount for preserving specimen trees (defined as a healthy tree that is 28 inches in diameter or greater) during development of the property. 5. Diseased and Hazardous Trees: A new section of the ordinance that deals with diseased and hazardous trees. 6. Licensing: Adding requirements for licensing of tree service companies to include the company employ or contract with an individual who possesses arborist certification from the International Society of Arboriculture or an individual that holds a post -secondary degree in urban forestry, arboriculture, or an equivalent area of study. 7. Environmental Chapters: During the tree ordinance updates the City Council combined all environmental ordinances in one location. Previously the ordinances were found in various chapters of the City Code including Chapter 12 (Building and Building Regulations), Chapter 18 (Environment), and Chapter 38 (Trees). All environmental ordinances will now be placed under Chapter 18 (Environment). The Tree Ordinance and reconfiguration of the Environmental Chapters goes into effect after publication. An official copy of the Tree Ordinance is on file in the office of the Maplewood City Clerk, 1830 County Road B East, Maplewood, or can be obtained on the city's website at www.ci.maplewood.mn.us/treeordinance. Questions regarding this ordinance should be directed to Shann Finwall, AICP, Environmental Planner at (651) 249-2304 or shann.finwall&maplewoodmn.gov. (Review: Feb. 3, 2016) http://www.I i I I ienews.com/content/publ ic-notices-february-3-2016-ram sey-county-m aplewood-review 1/2