HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 02-02 As goes my rubbish pick-up, so goes America MN MPR 2/1/2016 As goes my rubbish pick-up,so goes America I NewsCut I Minnesota Public Radio News PO 11 I11Iii CS NewsCut As goes my rubbish pick- MPR News fresh eye on the news up, so goes America Bob Collins February 1, , Mfr As I write today's NewsCut, I'm watching a trash hauler work its way down the avenue. Shortly, there'll be another driving too fast in a rush to make all of its pick-ups. Then another, making a racket down the street, the repairs for which I'll be paying an assessment on for another 13 years. It'd be OK with me if the home city selected just one rubbish hauler, but, as the Star Tribune points out in an article today on attempts elsewhere to do so, it's clear we are incredibly invested in the disposal of our trash. A few years ago in Maplewood, as I recall, people invoked their right and freedom of choice in its bid to repel a move to select an official trash hauler for the town. The city became the first in Minnesota to limit trash collection to just one hauler. The Pollution Control Agency figures Maplewood saved over $1 million. The city council member who pushed the idea was voted out of office. "I don't think we've had any cities that have tried this and people didn't show up to throw a fit," Craig Johnson, a lobbyist for the League of Minnesota Cities, told the Star Tribune's John Reinan. "It's a very controversial issue." Bloomington is the latest community to go with a single-hauler, amid promises it'll save the average homeowner about $loo a year. The response was predictable. ii17 e I..R s l atti.re ill. w 0 13 passed. a. 1aw Iayii.i.g oul a process f or »it:i.es l: h.cal: l organized. collectio n. 1.1:: as assed. with. the sus.ppwl oftl'i.e hai.;V.ling in.d.111.st et hai ilers have cCni.n.i.:i. d. to "si.,i. v " l." (.) c.-i i.zze . colle ti oti., erbru. ge aid.. r 2/1/2016 As goes my rubbish pick-up,so goes America I NewsCut I Minnesota Public Radio News 11[n. Bloorn.ington, a. grou.p called. Garbage Llwilers for (.A.fizen. Cb.oice a.ggi'(,.,ssiveIy fought th(,.� city's efforts, ri:wiling out glossy, four col.or fliers and other in.forrriation. John. Kysylyczyn., a spokes rrw.n. for the grotj..11,,), said the local an.d. regional. haulers have always su.pport(:md ol')eri. collection.. "117here's soyn.etl-�.irlg called. f.*r,eed.orn. iri. ff-fis cou.n.try ]-(.e said. -I'rhe garlmge hai.,ilens have the right to sl)ea.k ul.-.) (: n. beli.alf of theix ctiiistofriers." Opponents say local businesses would be pushed out if bidding came down to them vs. big corporations. That's a fair point, except in the suburbs where people regularly have ignored local businesses to support huge chains. Why is trash collection where people want to draw the line? ( Older Newer ) A kid, a stolen cellphone, and Once down to a last few, invisible faces of mental illness trumpeter swans rule in Monticello Browse by category About the blogger Bob Collins bcollinso-mpr.ora • (U-newscu Bob Collins has been with Minnesota Public Radio since 1992, emigrating to Minnesota from Massachusetts. He was senior editor of news in the 'gos, ran MPR's political unit, created the MPR News regional website, invented the popular Select A Candidate, started the two most popular blogs in the history of MPR and every day laments that his Minnesota Fantasy 2/1/2016 As goes my rubbish pick-up,so goes America I NewsCut I Minnesota Public Radio News Legislature project never caught on. http://bl ogs.m prnews.org/newscut/2016/02/as-goes-m y-rubbish-pick-up-so-goes-am erica/ 3/3