HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 01-19 In Maplewood home-robbery killing, 2nd suspect arrested PIONEER PRESS 1/21/2016 www.twincities.com/portlet/article/htm1/fragments/print—article.jsp?articleld=29409601&siteld=569 In Maplewood home-robbery killing, 2nd suspect arrested By Sarah Horner shorner@pioneerpress.com TwinCifles.corn-Pioneer Press Posted:Tue Jan 19 23:01:00 MST 2016 Police made another arrest Tuesday in the homicide of a Maplewood father who was shot during a home invasion in early November. Ernest Donald Atchison, 32, of St. Paul was arrested at his St. Paul workplace at 5:30 P.m. Tuesday, according to Maplewood Police Chief Paul Schnell. He was booked into the Ramsey County Jail on suspicion of homicide. He has not been charged. His family could not be reached immediately for comment. Police suspect Atchison was involved in the murder of Justin Niles Wright, a 31-year-old fatally shot by an intruder who broke into his Maplewood home in the22oo block of Hazel Street on Nov. 8. Schnell said he expects Atchison will be charged with aiding and abetting in the crime and that other arrests could be forthcoming. "He may not have been the shooter but we certainly believe he was actively engaged in committing the offense that resulted in the homicide of Justin Wright," Schnell said. Another man was arrested in connection with Wright's homicide in December. Brandon Lamar Cooper, 30, was charged with second-degree murder in Wright's death Dec. 18 while he was in custody for a burglary in Minneapolis, according to the criminal complaint filed against him in Ramsey County District Court. Cooper's bail was set at $1 million and he was granted a public defender. He has not entered a plea. His next court appearance is Thursday. According to the criminal complaint filed against Cooper, Wright's girlfriend told officers she and Wright had been asleep when she awoke to a strange voice just outside the bedroom saying, "Tell me where it's at." hftp://www.twincities.com/portlet/article/html/fragments/print—article.jsp?articleld=29409601&siteld=569 1/2 1/21/2016 www.twi ncities.com/portlet/article/htm 1/fragments/pri nt_article.jsp?articleld=29409601&siteld=569 She said Wright also was in the hallway and she saw him lunge toward a dark figure. She heard a single gunshot before Wright staggered through the house, eventually collapsing in the living room, the complaint said. Wright's two children were away at a sleepover at the time. His girlfriend was not injured. The woman admitted to police that she and Wright sold marijuana from the house and that some of her customers knew they kept "significant amounts of marijuana" there. Police found signs of forced entry in the garage and a 9mm shell casing in the bedroom hallway. Later that day they found a Smith &Wesson 9mm handgun two blocks away. DNA from the handgun matched DNA on file for Cooper, according to the complaint. Schnell would not say what physical evidence tied Atchison to the crime. Atchison's criminal record includes convictions for second-degree burglary, receiving stolen property, possession of stolen property, first-degree damage to property and theft. Elizabeth Mohr contributed to this report. Close Window Send To Printer , hftp://www.twincities.com/portlet/article/htm 1/fragments/pri nt_arti cl e.jsp?arti cl eld=29409601&siteld=569 2/2