HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 08-01 City Council/Manager Workshop PacketAGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:15 P.M. Monday, August 1, 2011 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Review of Police Space Study Options E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Department Budget Presentations: a. IT b. Executive c. Legislative d. Community Development e. Citizen Services F. ADJOURNMENT THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Work Session Agenda Item D1 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager Dave Thomalla, Police Chief SUBJECT: Review Police Department Space Needs Options DATE: July 26, 2011 INTRODUCTION The City Council has authorized preparation of a study of space needs within the Police Department. The architect performing the study, Larry Koch, of SEH, Inc. began providing a summary of the findings and options for expanding the Police Department at the July 25th Work Session and did not complete that presentation. This item will continue the review of the options and costs, as well as include a discussion on project financing. Mr. Koch’s presentation will include the following topics: 1. Review of New Building Costs 2. Review of Four Options for Expansion at Existing City Hall 3. Review of Financing Options 4. Questions / Discussion The SEH representatives have spent a significant amount of time reviewing Police operations and conducted a survey of personnel regarding the various needs of the various Police functions. Attached are the four options that were distributed on July 25th. Additional options are still being considered that will use more of existing City Hall, but further impact current operations in Citizen Services and Park and Recreation, while requiring a full relocation of the Community Development staff. Also attached is probable estimate of the cost of the various options. These are ranges of costs and not exclusively comparable, as noted below: New Building; $13.9 - $16.5 million* Option #1: $ 5.6 - $6.8 million [provides for 40 car indoor parking] Option #2: $ 5.9 - $7.3 million [provides for 21 car indoor parking] Option #3: $ 6.7 - $8.1 million [provides for 40-car indoor parking] Option #4: $ 6.4 - $7.7 million [provides for 40-car indoor parking] The intent of the work session is to review options. As noted, the most expensive area, because of the overall space needed is the indoor parking area. Chief Thomalla will report that the highest priority to address in space needs is locker room space as priority #1a and office space as priority #1b. The addition of the parking, while very important adds nearly $3.0 million to the overall project, and also provides for the ability to add a shooting range. Certainly, those additions are part of the best long-term plan, and should be included in building planning, but as we move through this discussion, may be part of a phasing plan. Option #3 is the preferred plan by Chief Thomalla as it addresses the long-term needs. We will review how Option #3 provides for future space requirements. As noted in each of the options, areas of expansion are in general “pods” or expansion areas. Each of those could be phases as we move into funding discussions. Packet Page Number 1 of 68 POLICE SPACE NEEDS STUDY PAGE TWO Funding Discussion As we continue our evaluation of the Council’s goal to look at facility needs, this type of expense and improvement will need to be incorporated into the long-range planning. While not specifically shown in the Capital Improvement Plan, the Council could consider that a $3.0 - $4.0 million expenditure occur in 2012 to 2013 to help address these needs. However, we would need to set aside about $250,000 to $350,000 annually for 15 years to pay that type of debt. A $7.5 million expenditure would require approximately $600,000 annually in debt service. The larger discussion will need to center around a possible referendum for the police station. When should that be done, if selected? And, how much of a referendum should be requested? The intent of this work session is to review the options and for the Council to begin to provide guidance on the direction of the expansion efforts. Do we continue to explore the full/best expansion and consideration of a referendum? Or should we look at smaller scale improvements that might be available in a reduced Option that minimize expenses with use of existing space, but require more departmental relocations, and could possibly be financed with CIP Bonds that would not require a referendum? A CIP Bond can be issued by the Council for various types of public facility improvements, such as City Hall, Fire Stations, Police Stations, or Public Works Buildings. These types of CIP Bonds can be issued without a referendum if certain conditions are followed. First, the project must be included within the Capital Improvement Plan. This project, as noted is not within the recently adopted CIP. Second, the Council must hold a Public Hearing on the proposed improvement project. Third, following the Public Hearing, a petition may be filed within 28 – 30 days by at least 5% of the residents who voted in the previous election. If the petition is filed, then a referendum must be held. If not petition is filed, then the City may issue CIP Bonds. The limitation on the bonding is based upon a percentage of the market value of the City. Based on current bonding rates, the City of Maplewood could issue up to $35 - $40 million of CIP Bonds and still stay within statutory limitations. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council discuss the issues of the Police Department space needs and provide some input and guidance as to the direction for further analysis for either a new Police Department Building or proceeding with an addition/re-modeling. Attachments: 1. Option #1 2. Option #2 3. Option #2 – lower level 4. Option #3 5. Option #4 6. Probable Opinion of Cost Packet Page Number 2 of 68 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 3 of 68 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 4 of 68 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 5 of 68 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 6 of 68 Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 7 of 68 Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 8 of 68 Work Session Agenda Item E1 AGENDA REPORT TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager Gayle Bauman, Finance Manager SUBJECT: 2012 Budget – Review of 2012 Budget Requests DATE: July 26, 2011 INTRODUCTION The 2012 Budget process began in February 2011 with the goal setting of the Council – Staff Retreat. In May 2011, the City Council adopted the 2012 – 2016 Capital Improvement Plan, which began establishing capital expenditures for the 2012 Budget. The next step in the budget process will be for the Council to begin to review the specific requests and establish a maximum levy that will need to be adopted on September 12, 2011. The Council received a worksheet format for the process as we review the various requests. The department presentations begin on August 1st and will continue through August as follows: Review of 2012 Budget Requests The specific items will be reviewed in detail by Departments during August as follows: o Aug 1: IT; Executive; Legislative; Community Development; Citizen Services o Aug 8: Police; Fire; Finance o Aug 22: Park/Recreation/MCC; Public Works o Aug 29: Final Levy Discussion • Note: the August 29th Work Session is a special Work Session due to the Labor Day Holiday. The Budget Review Spreadsheet is attached. It is suggested that the Council begin completing the suggested adjustments within the open column as each area is addressed. The CIP items have been previously reviewed as part of the CIP adoption, but will be reviewed in further detail on August 29th as the Council moves toward a final levy amount. Recommended Action It is recommended that the City Council complete the attached spreadsheet as the department presentations and recommendations are reviewed during the August department sessions. Packet Page Number 9 of 68 2011/2012 BUDGET DISCUSSION PAGE TWO 2012 Budget Review Spreadsheet Budget Area – Consideration Staff Recommend Council Decide 2011 Levy: • General Fund $12,980,351 • Ambulance Service Fund $ 0 • Community Center Operations Fund $ 340,000 • Recreation Programs Fund $ 225,000 • Capital Improvements Projects Fund $ 0 • Fire Truck Replacement Fund $ 0 • Park Development Fund $ 0 • Redevelopment Fund $ 0 • Debt Service Fund $ 3,958,103 • TOTAL 2011 LEVY $ 17,503,454 $17,503,454 2012 Proposed Budget From Capital Improvement Plan: • Decrease Recreation Program Levy ($ 25,000) ____________ • Increase Community Center Levy $ 120,000 ____________ • Create a new Public Safety Levy $ 350,040 ____________ • Increase Debt Service Levy $ 250,000 ____________ • Increase CIP Levy for Police Expansion $ 150,000 ____________ • Increase CIP Levy for Park Replacement $ 95,000 • Increase CIP Levy for Other Capital Improv. $ 45,000 • Increase Fire Truck Replacement Levy $ 100,000 ____________ • Increase Levy for Public Safety CIP Bonds $ 0 ____________ General Fund Issues: [amounts being reviewed/subject to change] • Set Fund Balance at 38.5% from 36.7% $ 100,000 ____________ • Contribute cash to Employee Benefit Fund $ 126,000 ____________ • Reduce 2012 department budget requests: o Citizen Services $ 0 ____________ o Community Development $ (49,860) ____________ o Executive Department $ (24,210) ____________ o Finance Department $ 0 ____________ o Fire Department $ (114,520) ____________ o Legislative Department $ (8,850) ____________ o Parks Department $ 0 ____________ o Police Department $ (179,250) ____________ o Public Works Department $ (129,860) ____________ • Create a Tartan Arena Fund $ 50,000 ____________ • Maintain $20,000 to Taste of Maplewood $ 0 ____________ TOTAL 2012 MAXIMUM LEVY $ 18,357,944 ____________ • 2012 Percentage Increase 4.88% ____________ Packet Page Number 10 of 68 Agenda Item E1.a 1 MEMORANDUM To: Jim Antonen, City Manager From: Mychal Fowlds, IT Director Date: 7/28/2011 Re: 2012 Budget Presentation 2012 Budget Request The IT Departments 2012 budget requests are fairly similar to previous years. We are requesting a 2012 budget of $754,230 which is a 1.1% increase from 2011. Roughly 75% of the IT budget is funded by the General Fund with the other 25% coming from other internal funds. Currently we are exploring other revenue sources which would reduce our impact on these funds in future years. Brief Description of the Department The IT Department as it is proposed in the 2012 budget consists of 4 full time employees and 3 part- time video technicians. As you know, we’ve been down an employee for the past 5 years and this budget assumes the hiring of the IT Technician position in 2011. With this addition, one of the larger expenses in the IT Department budget will become personnel costs. We look to offset some of these costs by the sharing of services agreement that has recently been approved. Performance Measurements Performance indicators for the IT Department are consistent with what you would imagine to see if your workload continues to steadily increase, which it has and which we expect it to in the future, without any additional staff. I believe the IT survey sent to City employees was the most telling. In short is showed that City staff is disappointed by the length of time it takes to get assistance but once they get that assistance they are very happy with it. We anticipate a large improvement to response times with the hiring of the IT Technician position. Where We Have Cutback – Where We Have Saved With the economic conditions being what they have and continue to be we’re continuing to stretch out our hardware replacements as long as we can wherever possible. Case in point, we currently have budgeted replacement equipment for our core networking equipment at City Hall. If required to reduce our budget we would look to cut those hardware replacements effectively leaving us more vulnerable to outages. Our implementation of virtualization technology has reduced our hardware expenses allowing us to absorb the costs from the ever increasing array of software applications throughout the City. Packet Page Number 11 of 68 Work Session Agenda Item E1b AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: 2012 Budget Report – Executive Department DATE: July 26, 2011 INTRODUCTION The Executive Department provides for the leadership of the City’s management staff in implementing City Council policy. The Executive leadership is under the direction of the City Manager with the assistance of the Assistant City Manager. Programs include the Legal Division as well as the Human Resources Division. The Safety Program and Economic Development Authority are also under this Department jurisdiction. Budget Information 1. Budget Request a. The 2012 Budget Request for the Executive Department is summarized as: Program 2011 Original Budget 2012 Request % Change Administration $351,090 $346,330 - 1.4% Legal $329,370 $273,120 -17.1% Safety Program $ 8,200 $ 9,000 + 9.8% Human Resources $267,040 $267,970 + 0.4% Econ Dev Auth $ 0 $ 3,200 N/A TOTALS $955,700 $899,620 - 5.9% b. The entire department is part of the General Fund / tax support. c. Outside revenues are collected partially by the legal division through the City Attorney as Court Fines and Penalties as follows: 1. 2008: $218,172 2. 2009: $205,491 3. 2010: $221,490 4. 2011 Est: $221,490 5. 2012 Budget: $225,000 d. The trend for the department expenditures over the past five years: 1. 2008: $915,578 [$278,491 paid to judgments] 2. 2009: $773,206 3. 2010: $783,066 4. 2011 Budget: $1,040,070 [$235,000 in legal contingency fund] 5. 2012 Request: $899,620 Packet Page Number 12 of 68 2012 BUDGET – EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT PAGE TWO 2. Brief Description of Department a. Personnel 1. City Manager 2. 40% of Assistant City Manager’s time 3. Human Resources Coordinator 4. City Attorney 5. Senior Administrative Assistant 6. HR Attorney b. The personnel in this department over the past five years has varied due to the changes within the City Manager’s office. The 2008 Expenditures for City Manager included only 5 months of Mr. Copeland, while Acting City Manager Chuck Ahl was paid through the Public Works Department. Mr. Antonen began in March 2009, at which point Mr. Ahl began working as the Assistant City Manager. Other than these changes, the department has remained consistent in personnel assigned to the tasks within this area. c. Major Expenses within this department are for contractual City Attorney [proposed at $210,000 in 2012 a $10,000 increase]; HR Attorney [proposed at $50,000 in 2012, a $30,000 decrease]; and an allocation for judgments and claims, which is proposed at $50,000 [a reduction of $50,000 from 2011] for general claims; and no contribution into the Legal Contingency Fund [a reduction of $135,000 from the 2011 Budget. 3. Performance Measurements a. As shown on the attached budget sheets, the work performance measurements relate to the various tasks within the departments. b. Some key trends show an increase in the number of prosecution cases opened by the legal staff; a reduction in the work-related injuries reported and days lost to injuries; a steady number of hiring procedures, and an increase in the number of City News articles written by the Management Staff. 4. Reductions agreed to in the City Manager meetings a. The proposed reduction amount is listed at $24,210. This amount is anticipated to be part of a reduction in services contracted with HR Attorney Chuck Bethel. Mr. Bethel currently is retained on a 1020 hours per year [half-time] basis and is provided an office for two days per week at City Hall. The proposed reduction in this contract would continue Mr. Bethel on retainer for one day per week during the first 6 – 8 months of 2012; increasing to two days per week during the final four months of 2012, when Union negotiations for 2013-2014 contracts are likely to begin, where Mr. Bethel’s service is invaluable. b. Service levels have been limited in the Executive Department because Mr. Ahl has served as Finance Director, for a few months, as well as is currently and projected to continue serving as Community Development Director during 2012. This reduces the available time for the Assistant City Manager to provide special task and Council initiative items to be explored. Packet Page Number 13 of 68 2012 BUDGET – EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT PAGE THREE 5. Examples of something that has been changed due to budget constraints: a. As noted above, Assistant City Manager Chuck Ahl is currently serving as Community Development Director. This reduces the ability of the City’s Administration to provide outside exploration of shared services, shared articles and coordination of items with outside agencies that would provide for a future emphasis on shared-services. b. The funds available for City-wide expenses have been limited in the past 3-5 years due to the money put to liability and judgment claims. That need to dedicate dollars to fund legal claims has limited growth and employment opportunities within the City. That has improved in 2011 and into 2012 with the reduction by LMCIT to $50,000 from a high of $200,000 in the City’s deductible requirement on employment claims. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council approve the reduction of $24,210 from the Executive Department budget for 2012. Attachments: 1. Organization Chart 2. Administration Budget Sheets 3. Legal Services Budget Sheets 4. Safety Program Budget Sheets 5. Human Resources Budget Sheets Packet Page Number 14 of 68 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 15 of 68 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 16 of 68 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 17 of 68 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 18 of 68 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 19 of 68 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 20 of 68 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 21 of 68 Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 22 of 68 Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 23 of 68 Work Session Agenda Item E1c AGENDA REPORT TO: Jim Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: 2012 Budget Report – Legislative Department DATE: July 26, 2011 INTRODUCTION The Legislative Department provides for the leadership of the City through a budget for the City Council and various Commissions. The only employees who are budgeted under this department are the City Council members. Programs include the City Council; Business and Economic Development Commission; Police Civil Service Commission; Park and Recreation Commission; Planning Commission; Human Rights Commission and Charitable Gambling. Budget Information 1. Budget Request a. The 2012 Budget Request for the Legislative Department is summarized as: Program 2011 Original Budget 2012 Request % Change City Council $154,770 $161,060 + 4.1% BEDC $ 320 $ 6,520 +1937% Police Civil Service Comm $ 2,180 $ 2,180 + 0.0% Park & Rec Comm $ 180 $ 250 + 39.0% Planning Commission $ 1,070 $ 1,070 + 0.0% Human Rights Comm $ 500 $ 500 + 0.0% Charitable Gambling $ 25,120 $ 30 120 + 19.9% TOTALS $184,140 $201,700 + 9.5% b. The entire department is part of the General Fund / tax support, with the exception of the Charitable Gambling Program, which is funded entirely by a surcharge on charitable gambling programs. c. There are no outside revenues other than Charitable Gambling funds. d. The trend for the department expenditures over the past five years: 1. 2008: $153,933 2. 2009: $143,029 3. 2010: $144,741 4. 2011 Budget: $159,020 5. 2012 Request: $171,580 e. Charitable Gambling Expenditures over the past five years: 1. 2008: $39,895 2. 2009: $44,756 3. 2010: $20,919 4. 2011 Budget: $25,120 5. 2012 Request: $30,120 Packet Page Number 24 of 68 2012 BUDGET – LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT PAGE TWO 2. Brief Description of Department a. Personnel 1. City Council b. The personnel expense in this department over the past five years has remained steady. The expenditure for Council salary was $62,469 in 2008 and is set at $59,860 budgeted in 2011. The 2012 request includes an estimated 1% increase in Council salary consistent with bargaining agreement contracts. c. Major Expenses within this department are for subscriptions and memberships for the City which is proposed at $40,000. This is down from a high of $47,499 in 2010. The other major expense is an allocation of funds for outside consultants and service that the Council may use for special projects during the year. This amount is proposed to be $22,000 in 2012, which is down from the $25,000 budgeted in 2011. Council travel and training is proposed to remain at $3,000 per member, or $15,000. 3. Performance Measurements a. As shown on the attached budget sheets, the work performance measurements relate to the various tasks within the departments. b. No key trends are noted in this Department. 4. Reductions agreed to in the City Manager meetings a. The proposed reduction amount is listed at $8,850. This amount is anticipated to reduce the requested Council subscriptions and memberships budget by $5,000 and the allocation of Council consulting and service fees by $3,850. b. Service levels have only been limited slightly in the Legislative Department by reducing activities of the Commissions, such as reducing the extent of the Planning Commission tour and outside events by Commissions. In addition, special outside consulting and special studies by the Council have been limited. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council approve the reduction of $8,850 from the Executive Department budget for 2012. Attachments: 1. Organization Chart 2. City Council Budget Sheets 3. BEDC Budget Sheets 4. Police Civil Service Program Budget Sheets 5. Park & Rec Commission Budget Sheets 6. Planning Commission Program Budget Sheets 7. Human Rights Commission Program Budget Sheets 8. Charitable Gambling Program Budget Sheets Packet Page Number 25 of 68 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 26 of 68 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 27 of 68 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 28 of 68 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 29 of 68 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 30 of 68 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 31 of 68 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 32 of 68 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 33 of 68 Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 34 of 68 Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 35 of 68 Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 36 of 68 Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 37 of 68 Attachment 7 Packet Page Number 38 of 68 Attachment 7 Packet Page Number 39 of 68 Attachment 8 Packet Page Number 40 of 68 Attachment 8 Packet Page Number 41 of 68 Work Session Agenda Item E1d AGENDA REPORT TO: James Antonen, City Manager FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: 2012 Budget Report – Community Development Department DATE: July 26, 2011 INTRODUCTION The Community Development Department provides for the administration of the City’s Code and State and Federal building codes. The Community Development leadership is under the direction of the Assistant City Manager who is serving as the Acting Community Development Director, as a cost saving measure. Programs include the Administration of Community Development; Planning; Building Inspections; Public Health Inspections; Code Enforcement; Recycling and a new program that has been transferred from Public Works to Community Development in 2012, the Environmental Planning Program. Budget Information 1. Budget Request a. The 2012 Budget Request for the Community Development Department is summarized as: Program 2011 Original Budget 2012 Request % Change Administration $268,600 $275,530 +2.6% Planning $264,110 $250,640 -5.1% Building Inspections $445,510 $480,410 + 7.8% Public Health Inspections $ 52,900 $ 44,140 -16.6% Code Enforcement $111,000 $ 94,160 -15.2% Recycling $665,460 $656,630 -1.3% Environmental Planning $ 0 $260,070 N/A TOTALS $1,807,580 $2,061,580 14.1% NOTE: The 2012 Request from Community Development without considering the switched program is $1,801,510, or a $6,070 decrease [-.03%] from the approved 2011 Budget. b. The entire department is part of the General Fund / tax support, with the exception of the Recycling Program, which is paid for the Recycling Fees and Grants and the Environmental Planning Program, which is paid for with fees charged to residents on the EUF charge on the utility bills. c. Outside revenues are collected by the building and planning division through the Building Permit and Plan Review fees as follows: 1. 2008: $1,087,454 2. 2009: $874,371 3. 2010: $794,911 4. 2011 Est: $801,000 5. 2012 Budget: $825,000 Packet Page Number 42 of 68 2012 BUDGET – COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PAGE TWO d. The trend for the department expenditures over the past five years: 1. 2008: $1,685,640 2. 2009: $1,694,092 3. 2010: $1,615,716 4. 2011 Budget: $1,807,580 [$158,000 increase in Recycling Fund] 5. 2012 Request: $2,061,580 [includes new $260,070 Enviro. Planning] 6. 2012 Request: $1,801,510 [request w/o new program shift] 2. Brief Description of Department a. Personnel 1. Asst. City Manager serves as Acting Community Development Director 2. Building Official 3. 3 Planners 4. Assistant Building Official and 2 Inspectors 5. Environmental Health Officer 6. Administrative Assistant – Office Specialists b. The number of personnel in this department over the past five years has declined. Two full-time positions of Inspector and of Code Enforcement have been eliminated and the position of Director is being filled with the Assistant City Manager. Other than these changes, the department has remained consistent in personnel assigned to the tasks within this area. c. Major Expenses within this department are for contractual electrical inspections, which is a pass-through cost. A vast majority of the Recycling Program is contractual expenses for the recycling collection service. 3. Performance Measurements a. As shown on the attached budget sheets, the work performance measurements relate to the various tasks within the departments. b. Some key trends show a decrease in the number of permits issued since 2009 by 21%. It should be noted that the type of permit is more time intensive due to remodeling efforts. A corresponding increase in code enforcement needs is also a trend that this department has assumed. 4. Reductions agreed to in the City Manager meetings a. The proposed reduction amount is listed at $49,860. This amount is anticipated to be part of a change in applications for the Assistant Building Official. Nick Carver is leading our Green Building Code efforts. It is proposed that 20% of his time be part of the Environmental Planning Program in 2012, as Shann Finwall assumes more recycling and organized collection duties, with the retirement of Bill Priefer, who will not be replaced. This will reduce the programs reliance of the general fund by $23,500. Other miscellaneous reductions total $14,500. A final shift of administrative and salary expenses in 2012 resulting in employee expenses is anticipated to save $11,630. Packet Page Number 43 of 68 2012 BUDGET – COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDEPARTMENT PAGE THREE b. Service levels have been limited in the Community Development Department because of the staff reductions in inspection and code enforcement. Various personnel now assume the code enforcement duties. As building activity increases, the plan reviews and inspection activity are lengthened. In addition, the planning duties have changed with new activities in economic development and a transition to environmental duties. 5. Examples of something that has been changed due to budget constraints: a. As noted above, Assistant City Manager Chuck Ahl is currently serving as Community Development Director. This reduces the ability of the City’s Community Development Department to evolve into the new areas that are emerging in the environmental planning, energy reduction, economic development and code enforcement. A new director would be charged with revising this department to post-recession; and post-development department goals that reflect a changed or changing Maplewood. b. The funds available for code enforcement and inspections have been reduced over the past five years. The Code Enforcement Officer position was eliminated in a budget saving move. All those duties are now a shared responsibility added onto a number of staff under the direction of the Chief Building Official. This effort has continued to evolve and needs to increase as problem properties remain a major concern within the City. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council approve the reduction of $49,860 from the Community Development Department budget for 2012. Attachments: 1. Organization Chart 2. Administration Budget Sheets 3. Planning Program Budget Sheets 4. Building Inspections Program Budget Sheets 5. Public Health Inspections Program Budget Sheets 6. Code Enforcement Program Budget Sheets 7. Recycling Program Budget Sheets 8. Environmental Planning Program Budget Sheets Packet Page Number 44 of 68 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 45 of 68 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 46 of 68 Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 47 of 68 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 48 of 68 Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 49 of 68 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 50 of 68 Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 51 of 68 Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 52 of 68 Attachment 5 Packet Page Number 53 of 68 Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 54 of 68 Attachment 6 Packet Page Number 55 of 68 Attachment 7 Packet Page Number 56 of 68 Attachment 7 Packet Page Number 57 of 68 Attachment 8 Packet Page Number 58 of 68 Attachment 8 Packet Page Number 59 of 68 Agenda Item E1.e MEMORANDUM To: City Manager Antonen Assistant City Manager Ahl From: Karen Guilfoile, Citizen Services Director Re: 2012 City Council Budget Presentation Date: July 26, 2011 Following is information on the 2012 operating budget for the Citizens Service Department. 2011 2012 Budget Budget Personnel Services $ 921,850 $ 854,080 Commodities 24,510 24,800 Contractual Services 229,760 188,280 Other Charges 0 0 Total $ 1,176,120 $ 1,067,160 Percent Change 4.3% -9.30% 2012 Budget Request The submitted 2012 Budget was $33,520 under the 2012 Guideline Amount. The decrease in the budget is partially due to the elimination of the Administrative Assistant position for the Administrative Division and the change of operating hours in the Deputy Registrar Division which resulted in a reduction of total personnel hours. The entire Department is funded by the General Fund. Department revenues for the 2012 Budget for business licenses, motor vehicle, passport processing and advertising are estimated at approximately $937,850. Department Revenues have remained consistently steady over the last five years. Staff does however; anticipate an increase of approximately $65,000 in 2012 in Motor Vehicle due to legislation passed in 2011 increasing the motor vehicle registration and title transfer fees. Brief Description of the Department The Department includes the following Divisions: City Clerk Administration, Deputy Registrar, and Elections. Included in City Clerk Administration is Marketing and Advertising. Also, the Department manages the Taste of Maplewood and serves as staff liaison to the Human Rights Commission. Personnel and related costs are 80.03% of the total budget. Outside of when Citizen Services included Parks & Recreation and the MCC, the Department has remained consistent in the number of personnel. In the 2012 budget however, there is a decrease of 1.5 full-time equivalents in personnel. Packet Page Number 60 of 68 Performance Measurements Citizen Services is a customer service department that responds to the needs of constituents in requesting data, meeting related information, business licenses, miscellaneous permits, motor vehicle related transactions, marketing projects, Maplewood Monthly, the Recreation Brochure, etc. Department performance is measured by response times to requests, how many transactions are performed from year to year, and obtaining revenue goals through services provided. Reductions Agreed to in Budget Meetings with the City Manager Due to cuts made, staffing changes and the reduction of office hours implemented in 2011, the 2012 submitted budget came in under the guideline amount. Where We Have Cutback – Where We Have Saved As previously mentioned, the Department Administrative Assistant position has been eliminated in the 2012 budget. This has already been implemented as this employee was hired to fill a vacated full-time position in Community Development. Further cuts were made in temporary elections staff that assisted with absentee voting and related election duties and a consultant that assisted with the Taste of Maplewood. Attachment 1: Department Org Chart Attachment 2: Administrative Program Budget Sheets Attachment 3: Deputy Registrar Program Budget Sheets Attachment 4: Election Program Budget Sheets Packet Page Number 61 of 68 DMV/Passport Office Specialists & Staff Reception Desk Office Specialists Election Judges Business License Specialist 50% Lead Motor Vehicle Clerk Business License Specialist 50% Citizen Services Supervisor Marketing and Advertising Coordinator CITY OF MAPLEWOOD CITIZEN SERVICES ORGANIZATION CHART Citizens Services Director Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 62 of 68 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA 2012 BUDGET PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION 101-301 DEPARTMENT: CITIZEN SERVICES PROGRAM MISSION To maintain accurate and complete permanent city records, to manage the issuance and processing of business licenses and permits in a timely and efficient manner, produce the Maplewood Monthly to keep the citizenry informed and provide marketing and advertising expertise to all city departments and to oversee the general management to all department operations. INPUTS 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Direct Expenditures Personnel Services $354,880 $370,165 $483,130 $430,110 Commodities 19,517 13,225 23,140 23,200 Contractual Services 96,902 91,557 216,550 174,520 Other Charges 6,636 6,411 0 0 Total $477,935 $481,358 $722,820 $627,830 Percent Change -7.7% 0.7% 50.2% -13.1% Staff Hours No. of Employees (FTE) 4.70 4.70 5.57 4.57 BUDGET COMMENTS Decrease in 2012 budget is due to the elimination of the Administrative Assistant position. Included in the administration budget is an allocation for the annual update to the city code of ordinance. It is to be noted that the increase in the 2011 budget was due to the Marketing Division being moved to the Citizen Services Administration budget which includes costs associated with the publication of the Maplewood Monthly. Marketing staff works closely with businesses in the community to secure ads and sponsorships in educational brochures, Maplewood Monthly, flat screen, wristbands, and Recreation brochures helping to reduce the cost of the program and the cost of the publication. Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 63 of 68 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA 2012 BUDGET PROGRAM: ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT: CITIZEN SERVICES 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Estimate 2012 Estimate OUTPUTS/WORKLOAD Agenda reports 603 632 620 630 Pages of minutes 517 549 550 560 Number of ordinances 8 15 9 8 Number of resolutions 307 298 280 290 Business licenses / permits / registrations 2,287 2,124 2,250 2,000 Annual marketing agreements 20 20 15 10 Number of marketing projects 300 300 300 350 Testimonial marketing 8 8 8-10 8-10 EFFECTIVENESS INDICATORS Percentage of licenses, permits issued by deadline 99% 99% 99% 99% Maintain revenue sources 92% 94% 99% 99% Percentage of marketing projects completed 98% 98% 98% 98% Testimonials used in marketing materials 70% 70% 80% 80% Business contacts for the purpose of ad revenue and partnerships 60% 60% 60% 80% EFFICIENCY MEASURES Revenue changes from previous year -1.19% 4.22% -6.01% 20% Projects are completed on time and in a professional manner 100% 100% 100% 100% Testimonial marketing increases the effectiveness of the promotion and brings in additional revenue 70% 70% 70% N/A COMMENTS Administrative workload remains steady in all areas. Business licensing and permits numbers remain consistent. Marketing projects have increased with the partnership of North St. Paul Community Center and MCC programs. Attachment 2 Packet Page Number 64 of 68 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA 2012 BUDGET PROGRAM: DEPUTY REGISTRAR 101-303 DEPARTMENT: CITIZEN SERVICES PROGRAM MISSION To present a courteous, service-oriented team providing a high level of accuracy and efficiency. INPUTS 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Direct Expenditures Personnel Services $369,078 $372,398 $380,490 $370,140 Contractual Services 2,412 2,870 3,540 4,690 Total $371,490 $375,268 $384,030 $374,830 Percent Change 4.2% 1.0% 2.3% -2.4% Staff Hours No. of Employees (FTE) 6.03 6.03 6.03 5.6 BUDGET COMMENTS Decrease in personnel is due to reducing two part-time positions to one full-time position. Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 65 of 68 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA 2012 BUDGET PROGRAM: DEPUTY REGISTRAR DEPARTMENT: CITIZEN SERVICES 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Estimate 2012 Estimate OUTPUTS/WORKLOAD Number of motor vehicle transactions 49,279 50,691 51,000 51,500 Number of driver’s license transactions 19,287 19,481 21,000 21,000 Number of passports processed 1,962 2,200 2,000 2,100 EFFECTIVENESS INDICATORS Initial accuracy rate on motor vehicle reports reconciled 98% 98% 98% 98% Initial accuracy rate on driver’s license reports reconciled 98% 98% 98% 98% COMMENTS Number of transactions remains steady in all areas of motor vehicle and DNR. Passport activity is steadily increasing. Driver’s license transactions continue to increase along with the number of motor vehicle transactions due to outreach to auto dealers and financial institutions performing dealer work. Attachment 3 Packet Page Number 66 of 68 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA 2012 BUDGET PROGRAM: ELECTIONS 101-304 DEPARTMENT: CITIZEN SERVICES PROGRAM MISSION To manage all municipal, federal and state elections focusing on legal compliance and integrity. INPUTS 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Budget 2012 Budget Direct Expenditures Personnel Services $55,004 $55,470 $58,230 $53,830 Commodities 1,726 2,322 1,370 1,600 Contractual Services 11,444 8,595 9,670 9,070 Total $68,174 $66,387 $69,270 $64,500 Percent Change -14.2% -2.6% 4.3% -6.9% Staff Hours No. of Employees (FTE) 0 0 0 0 BUDGET COMMENTS No significant change in the Election Division budget in 2012. Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 67 of 68 CITY OF MAPLEWOOD, MINNESOTA 2012 BUDGET PROGRAM: ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT: CITIZEN SERVICES 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Estimate 2012 Estimate OUTPUTS/WORKLOAD Number of registered voters 22,658 23,764 25,000 27,000 Election judges trained 189 190 200 200 Number of ballots cast 6,062 14,355 7,000 26,000 Number of absentee ballots transmitted 462 1,022 500 2,800 Number of absentee ballots returned by voter 382 930 400 2,600 Number of absentee ballots rejected 10 50 15 100 EFFECTIVENESS INDICATORS Percentage of eligible voters registered to vote 19% 62% 17% 85% COMMENTS Increase in 2012 Outputs/Workloads is due to the Presidential Election cycle. Attachment 4 Packet Page Number 68 of 68