HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 06-13 City Council/Manager Workshop PacketAGENDA MAPLEWOOD CITY COUNCIL MANAGER WORKSHOP 5:15 P.M. Monday, June 13, 2011 Council Chambers, City Hall A. CALL TO ORDER B. ROLL CALL C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Council Discussion -- Wipers Recycling v. City of Maplewood a. Declaration of Intent to Close Meeting for Attorney Update 2. Review Preliminary Findings of Police Department Space Needs Report E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion of Maplewood Citizen Academy 2. Discussion of 2012 Budget Assumption and Evaluation Process F. ADJOURNMENT THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Work Session Agenda Item D1 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Wipers Recycling v. City of Maplewood a. Declaration of Intent to Close Meeting for Attorney Update DATE: June 8, 2011 INTRODUCTION As part of the continuing discussion on litigation matters related to the lawsuits regarding the Wipers Recycling v. City of Maplewood issues, the City Council will be receiving an update from Attorney Alan Kantrud regarding the status and progress on the various litigation matters including a discussion on settlement offers. It is expected that due to the litigation decisions and update on client-attorney issues, that this meeting will be closed per statute. Recommended Action The City Council will receive the update during the closed session. No action will be taken during this closed session. Packet Page Number 1 of 16 Work Session Agenda Item D2 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Review Preliminary Findings of Police Department Space Needs Report DATE: June 7, 2011 INTRODUCTION The City Council has authorized preparation of a study of space needs within the Police Department. The architect performing the study, Larry Koch, of SEH, Inc. will be providing a summary of the findings of the needs within the Police Department. Mr. Koch’s presentation will include the following topics: 1. Introduction 2. Review of Existing Conditions 3. Establishing Space Standards 4. Projected Space Needs / Requirements a. New Facility versus Addition / Remodeling 5. Questions / Discussion The SEH representatives have spent a significant amount of time reviewing Police operations and conducted a survey of personnel regarding the various needs of the various Police functions. Some various standard spaces have been identified and discussed, as well as the need for adjacent operations. Mr. Koch will review with the Council those findings, as well as provide information for a discussion on the cost of a new facility versus the option for an addition or internal remodeling. It is that key point [New Building or addition/remodel] that will determine where the study proceeds from this point. If there is a consensus on the Council to proceed in one direction or the other, options will be explored in either tract. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the City Council discuss the issues of the Police Department space needs and provide some input and guidance as to the direction for further analysis for either a new Police Department Building or proceeding with an addition/re-modeling. Packet Page Number 2 of 16 Work Session Agenda Item E1 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: James Antonen, City Manager SUBJECT: Discussion on Maplewood Citizen Academy DATE: June 8, 2011 INTRODUCTION/SUMMARY Staff would like to have the council discuss the possibility of starting a Maplewood Citizen’s Academy. This would be a tool to educate residents about the workings of local government, specifically Maplewood. Various other cities have programs similar to this; the program for Minnetonka is attached as an example of what the program could entail. The program would run for several weeks, each week highlighting a specific department of the city. If this is something the Council would like to pursue, staff would recommend a start date to be in January. Recommended Action Staff would like the Council to discuss the idea of a Citizen Academy and give direction to staff if the Council would like to pursue this further. Attachments 1. A summary of the Minnetonka Citizen’s Academy Packet Page Number 3 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 4 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 5 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 6 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 7 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 8 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 9 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 10 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 11 of 16 Attachment 1 Packet Page Number 12 of 16 Work Session Agenda Item E2 AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Charles Ahl, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Discussion of 2012 Budget Assumption and Evaluation Process DATE: June 8, 2011 INTRODUCTION On May 23, 2011, the City Council adopted the 2012 – 2016 Capital Improvement Plan. The CIP is the first step in the budget process in preparation for the 2012 Budget Hearing. This agenda item is a continuation of budget information for the City Council and is intended to review the process that the staff is proposing for the Council to provide input prior to considering settling the maximum levy for 2012 in September 2011, and adopting the final budget in December 2011. The staff is beginning the process of estimating the needs and necessary budget reductions to meet the overall budget directions given by the Manager’s office. The expectation is that the City Council will provide input into the process at this time, so that July and August presentations provide the Council with their desired level of involvement into the budget process prior to the necessary decision dates. Background Information During the CIP Process, the following assumptions were shared with the City Council about the 2012 Budget: 1. A levy increase of 3 – 5% = $525,000 - $875,000. 2. Operating costs reduced by $700,000 to shift support for capital projects. 3. An increase of funding for the MCC Fund. 4. An increase of funding for the Fire Truck Replacement Fund. 5. An increase of funding for Park Equipment Replacement in the CIP Fund. 6. An increase of funding for the Debt Service Fund to cover lost state aid. 7. No increase in funding for Park Development. 8. A major reduction in the street renewal program. In addition, on April 11th, the City Council directed that the unused funds from 2010, be used mainly for increasing the fund balance from 36.1% to 38.5%. This provides an additional $356,000 of funds for Council consideration to use for various purposes, including the current assumption that these funds remain within the General Fund for an increased fund balance. It should be noted that the $356,000 equates to just over a 2.0% levy increase; thus, should the Council choose to return the fund balance amount to 36.1%, they could also assume a corresponding 2.0% levy decrease. The levy for 2011 was distributed as follows: General Fund $12,980,351 Recreation Program Fund $ 225,000 Maplewood Community Center Fund $ 340,000 Debt Service Fund $ 3,958,103 Capital Improvement Projects Fund $ 0 Fire Truck Replacement Fund $ 0 Park Development Fund $ 0 Ambulance Fund $ 0 Total 2011 Levy $17,503,454 Packet Page Number 13 of 16 2012 BUDGET PROCESS PAGE TWO A review of each of the funds and the impacts going forward are: Summary of Recreation Program Fund 2011 Levy: $225,000 Transfer from Cit Serv for Brochure $ 15,000 Reductions or Revenue Increase ($40,000) Assumed 2012 Levy $200,000 Notes: Dewey Konewko will review this program during July and August. This program operated with a $90,174 positive revenue over expenditures at a higher levy subsidy of $251,840. The small positive fund balance will be used to help find the sustainability level, but the $40,000 revenue reduction proposed should not significantly impact operations and the N. St. Paul joint powers agreement will continue to allow this program to remain efficient and reduce the subsidy. Summary of Maplewood Community Center Fund 2011 Levy: $340,000 Transfer from Cit Serv for Brochure $ 15,000 Transfer from Pub Wks for Director $ 40,000 Increased Levy $ 65,000 Assumed 2012 Levy $460,000 Notes: Dewey Konewko will review this program in August. Information on the MCC program has previously been discussed. In 2010, an amount of $225,000, in addition to a $211,262 levy was required as subsidy as revenues did not cover expenses. In addition, numerous capital projects were deferred. Summary of Debt Service Fund 2011 Levy: $3,958,103 Transfer from Pub Wks for Director $ 150,000 Increased Levy $ 100,000 Assumed 2012 Levy $4,208,103 Notes: Chuck Ahl and Michael Thompson will review this program in August. Information on the reductions in the streets program has been discussed. The public works reduction will involve some realignment of duties and leaving of positions vacant in maintenance. Summary of Capital Improvement Projects Fund 2011 Levy: $ 0 Increased Levy $ 95,000 Transfer from Police Department $150,000 Transfer from Parks/Rec Dept $ 50,000 Assumed 2012 Levy $200,000 Packet Page Number 14 of 16 2012 BUDGET PROCESS PAGE THREE Notes: Chuck Ahl, Chief Thomalla and Dewey Konewko will review this program in August. Information on the reductions in the Police, which will involve keeping positions vacant, as well as reduced personnel costs within Parks will be discussed. Summary of Park Development Fund 2011 Levy: $ 0 Increased Levy $ 0 Assumed 2012 Levy $ 0 Notes: Dewey Konewko will review this program in August. At this point, there is no proposed new revenue being dedicated to Park Development. Summary of Fire Truck Replacement Fund 2011 Levy: $ 0 Increased Levy $100,000 Assumed 2012 Levy $100,000 Notes: Chief Lukin will review this program in August. An inventory of equipment will be discussed, as well as plans for new fire stations and equipment. Summary of Ambulance Fund 2011 Levy: $ 0 Increased Levy $320,000 Assumed 2012 Levy $320,000 * - this will be an option Notes: Chief Lukin will review this program in August. A significant discussion will need to occur as we continue to evaluate Ambulance and fire service. The proposed plan calls for reductions of $100,000 in fire department expenses to the General Fund, while also another $110,000 in the Ambulance Fund. While this sets the stage to allow for the construction of two new Fire Stations, it also may reduce the work force that is available to serve within those stations. A $320,000 levy [about 1.8% increase] would significantly reduce the need for those expense reductions, as well as help to address the previous year’s Ambulance Fund shortfalls. Summary of General Fund 2011 Levy: $12,980,351 Increased Levy $ 205,000 Assumed 2012 Levy $13,185,350 Notes: Various staff will provide inputs to the General Fund proposals. This fund has the greatest number of personnel and is the largest impact on the tax levy. The Fund Balance decision impacts this decision on the levy. In addition, shortfalls in revenue, especially from building permits, which may be down by over $200,000 could dramatically impact this budget and fund levels. Packet Page Number 15 of 16 2012 BUDGET PROCESS PAGE FOUR Budget Review Process As summarized above, the preliminary analysis is proposing to increase the levy by $845,000 or 4.83%. That amount can increase or decrease depending upon the Council’s judgment and acceptance of reductions or revenue increases. The recommended process will be processed using the following format: [to be completed in August] Discussion Item Staff Recommendation Council Direction Recreation Program Cut $40,000 from subsidy Maplewood Comm Ctr Add $65,000 to levy Delay to some Improvements - $0 Debt Service Add $100,000 to levy Cut $150,000 from Pub Wks operations Reduce Streets Program - $0 Cap Improv Proj Fund Add $95,000 to levy Cut $150,000 from Police operations Cut $50,000 from Park operations Fund Police Dept Expansion - $200,000 Fund expand Park Equip - $100,000 Begin Plan for New Fire Stations - $50,000[?] Park Development Add $0 to levy Cut $0 from ??? Fire Truck Replacement Add $100,000 to levy No delay in vehicle replacement - $0 Ambulance Fund Add $320,000 to levy Cut $110,000 from personnel expenses General Fund Add $105,000 to levy for wages/expenses Add $100,000 to levy for lost permit revenue Cut $100,000 from Fire operations Cut $42,000 from Citizen Services operations Cut $90,000 from Exec/Admin operations Cut $60,000 from Comm Dev operations Plan $0 for employee health care costs Keep Fund balance at 38.5% - $0 Recommended Action It is recommended that the City Council review the preliminary assumptions for the 2012 Budget and provide input on the process for evaluation. Packet Page Number 16 of 16