HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout1975 01-01 Maplewood Mall was favored in assessments, citizen claims REVIEW1975 01-14 2 Maplewood councilmen oppose 10% pay hikes for administrators DISPATCH1975 01-14 Copy of zoning proposal not available, resident tells Maplewood City Council DISPATCH1975 01-14 Maplewood urged to back law change to aid park assessments DISPATCH1975 01-14 Maplewood urged to drop insurance committee DISPATCH1975 01-15 Council approves single family rezone in industrial city area REVIEW1975 01-15 Maplewood council orders ambulance service charge REVIEW1975 01-15 Maplewood opposes greater Metropolitan Council power REVIEW1975 01-15 Maplewood outlines rules for snowmobiling REVIEW1975 01-16 Ambulance charge established DISPATCH1975 01-21 Maplewood says Metro Council's guide would make suburbs 'rubberstamps' DISPATCH1975 01-22 Maplewood council approves administrative salary hikes REVIEW1975 01-22 Maplewood seeks members for HRA REVIEW1975 01-22 Study not extensive as thought REVIEW1975 01-23 Councilman criticized for views on Ramsey Home DISPATCH1975 01-23 Proposal for city employees pay increase moratorium is defeated DISPATCH1975 01-28 Maplewood defeats rezoning proposal DISPATCH1975 01-29 Maplewood okays arbitrator's decisoin on clerical contract REVIEW1975 02-18 Maplewood urged to fight to defend local government DISPATCH1975 02-25 Maplewood manager advises council to purchase golf course REVIEW1975 02-26 Miller recommends Maplewood par three golf course purchase REVIEW1975 02-27 Councilman urges ban on trapping DISPATCH1975 02-27 Councilmen would allow 3M growth DISPATCH1975 03-04 Maplewood to decide Beam Avenue rezoning DISPATCH1975 03-04 Proposed Maplewood connector route draws foes; referred to planning unit DISPATCH1975 03-05 Council approves first reading of Beam Avenue Zoning Change REVIEW1975 03-05 Maplewood council okays Hwy. 61 intersection plans REVIEW1975 03-11 Citizens tell Maplewood city council that golf course is "dead duck" DISPATCH1975 03-11 Mayor changes mind on independent water system DISPATCH1975 03-13 Councilman wants to see lists of shops permitted under commercial office zoning DISPATCH1975 03-13 Maplewood schedules hearing on changing Beam Ave. plan DISPATCH1975 03-13 Mayor urges forming planning subcommittees to get work done DISPATCH1975 03-19 Council okays first reading of ordinance for trapping REVIEW1975 03-19 Maplewood council to consider final Beam Avenue rezoning REVIEW1975 03-25 Golf course purchase rejected by Maplewood DISPATCH1975 03-25 Suburbs plan individual appeals on watershed DISPATCH1975 03-26 Maplewood council votes to reject golf course purchase REVIEW1975 03-27 Beam Avenue rezoning motion fails DISPATCH1975 03-27 Council approves Maplewood Mall restaurants, sign permits DISPATCH1975 03-27 Maplewood bans leg-hold trapping DISPATCH1975 03-27 Maplewood reduces ambulane charges for multiple victims DISPATCH1975 04-02 Mall restaurant signs get city council okay REVIEW1975 04-08 Maplewood council approves new affimative action program DISPATCH1975 04-08 Maplewood rejects new proposal to buy Maple Hills Golf Course DISPATCH1975 04-09 Miller: contract award prohibits road changes REVIEW1975 04-09 Reconsideration of golf course purchase opposed by city REVIEW1975 04-15 Maplewood to continue talks on water system improvements DISPATCH1975 04-16 Maplewood council adopts affirmative action program REVIEW1975 04-18 Maplewood plns water rate action DISPATCH1975 04-19 Council seeks direction on Beam Avenue zoning REVIEW1975 04-22 Maplewood rejects city water system project DISPATCH1975 04-22 Water board favors St. Paul, Maplewood councilman says DISPATCH1975 04-23 BC zoning dnagers minimal: attorney REVIEW1975 04-23 Council moves to ban X-rated movies REVIEW1975 04-23 Master water system defeated by council REVIEW1975 04-24 Council eyes law to ban X-rated movies REVIEW1975 04-24 Maplewood okays trial curfew meeting time REVIEW1975 04-29 Advertising warning issued by fire marshal REVIEW1975 04-29 Maplewood approves change in Beam Ave. REVIEW1975 04-29 Schadt calls for campaign to alert on fire dangers REVIEW1975 05-01 Maplewood OKs plan change for Beam Avenue DISPATCH1975 05-06 Consultants to review well water system for Maplewood REVIEW1975 05-06 Maplewood council moves to speed up its meetings REVIEW1975 05-06 Maplewood orders building moratorium DISPATCH1975 05-06 Maplewood to rewrite proposal to ban 'X-rated' movies at drive-in theaters DISPATCH1975 05-06 Outdoor "dirty movie" ordinance doesn't cover council's intent REVIEW1975 05-20 St. Paul should provide water pressure - Greavu REVIEW1975 05-22 Maplewood eyes council pay hike DISPATCH1975 05-22 Maplewood worries over 3M expansion 'elsewhere' DISPATCH1975 06-03 Maplewood awaits report befor next water move REVIEW1975 06-03 Maplewood told it must decide soon on water system DISPATCH1975 06-10 Waste oil disposal sites set up by Highway Dept. REVIEW1975 06-12 City asks roller rink be repainted REVIEW1975 06-12 Maplewood OKs Radatz Avenue traffic solution REVIEW1975 06-12 Maplewood planning unit eyes "overlay" ordinance REVEIW1975 06-12 Mayor: Stop reconsidering decisions REVIEW1975 06-17 Bike thefts keep police busy REVIEW1975 06-19 Maplewood eyes council pay hike DISPATCH1975 06-24 Maplewood suppports old logo REVIEW1975 06-24 Tie-down ordinance sent back REVIEW1975 06-24 Woodbury LWV chapter backs new metro watershed district REVIEW1975 06-24 X-rated movie ordinance approved REVEIW1975 06-26 Design restrictions criticized for denying "basic freedoms" REVIEW1975 06-26 Greavu wants no manager, no runaround - or no raise REVIEW1975 06-26 Maplewood rejects plan for even-year elections REVIEW1975 06-26 Maplewood to buy lots for park REVIEW1975 06-26 Maplewood won't be turning over new leaf REVIEW1975 07-01 Council: A.E. Johnson must pay assessments REVIEW1975 07-01 Maplewood plans celebration REVIEW1975 07-01 Maplewood seeks CDRB members REVIEW1975 07-01 Radatz-Ariel alternate road plan is ordered REVIEW1975 07-08 Function not understood, board says DISPATCH1975 07-08 Maplewood council relaxes games ordinance REVIEW1975 07-08 Maplewood to consider salary increase REVIEW1975 07-15 "Buy Hillside", citizens urge Maplewood REVIEW1975 07-15 Bruton wages war on "reconsideration" items REVIEW1975 07-15 Maplewood adopts mobile home tie-down ordinance, starts Sept. 1 REVIEW1975 07-15 Maplewood passes ordinances requjiring mobile home tie-downs DISPATCH1975 07-15 Two concils won't take sides in school closing REVIEW1975 07-17 Maplewood council says garden center must obey parking rules DISPATCH1975 07-17 Maplewood mayor syas council reconsiders too many decisions DISPATCH1975 07-22 Is Maplewood city hall a good neighbor? REVIEW1975 07-22 Maplewood bans weekday parking on Ide Street DISPATCH1975 07-22 Maplewood council pay raised DISPATCH1975 07-22 Maplewood council salaries hiked REVIEW1975 07-22 No taxes on home remodeling, Maplewood city council urges DISPATCH1975 07-29 First reading on zone change on Beam Avenue heard by city council REVIEW1975 07-31 Councilman says streets near Maplewood Mall 'look like hell' DISPATCH1975 07-31 Maplewood council won't get involved in school closing DISPATCH1975 08-05 Natural gas main erupts in Maplewood REVIEW1975 08-11 Five on Maplewood police force now double as paramedics PIONEER PRESS1975 08-12 Barricades for Radatz not possible says Maplewood manager REVIEW1975 08-12 Council seeks leniency on home improvements REVIEW1975 08-12 Maplewood to contribute $2,500 to Community Ed REVIEW1975 08-12 Pair seeks $100,000 in damages DISPATCH1975 08-12 Wiegert, Greavu names in law suit against city REVIEW1975 08-14 City rec funds for schools OKd DISPATCH1975 08-14 Commercial park fees urged for Maplewood DISPATCH1975 08-15 2nd break in gas pipe blocks highway REVIEW1975 08-19 Playground equipment okayed for area park REVIEW1975 08-26 DeCorsey's rescue "weighty" problem REVIEW1975 08-26 Maplewood to contact 3M on future development REVIEW1975 08-26 Need for services director not demonstrated, councilman says REVIEW1975 09-02 Maplewood council changes Review Board Ordinance REVIEW1975 09-02 Stiffer penalty sought for police assaults REVIEW1975 09-09 Consultant: City wells would have disadvantages for Maplewood DISPATCH1975 09-09 Council members can't be sued, attorney says REVIEW1975 09-09 Independent well system shunned by city consultant REVIEW1975 09-09 Maplewood drops citizen proposal REVIEW1975 09-11 Maplewood OKs new building permit procedure DISPATCH1975 09-16 Council raises maximum level for garbage prices REVIEW1975 09-16 Maplewood okays Hazelwood project REVIEW1975 09-23 Facelift project underway at Burke-Atlantic Park REVIEW1975 09-23 Maplewood appoints prosecutor DISPATCH1975 09-23 Maplewood nixes garage referendum request REVIEW1975 09-23 Maplewood Patrolmen REVIEW1975 09-23 Paramedic program puts police in new role REVIEW1975 09-23 Public hearing set on Beam rezone REVIEW1975 09-23 Valuation change increases Maplewood home taxes 10% REVIEW1975 09-25 Maplewood parcel will become tot playground DISPATCH1975 09-25 Maplewood taxpayers can expect 25% hike DISPATCH1975 09-30 A practice fire demonstration REVIEW1975 09-30 Burke-Atlantic grows up REVIEW1975 09-30 Maplewood city budget may increase 4 mills REVIEW1975 09-30 Overlay zoning hearing scheduled REVIEW1975 09-30 Spend an evening with EDITH fire marshal urges REVIEW1975 10-02 Parks, recreation unit's meeting date is changed REVIEW1975 10-07 Greavu charges "too many chiefs" in city hall Review1975 10-07 Maplewood councilmen irked by proposed water contract REVIEW1975 10-07 Maplewood policewoman files grievance with Human Rights REVIEW1975 10-07 Maplewood slates voter registration REVIEW1975 10-07 Maplewood voters may be asked to decide on city garage proposal DISPATCH1975 10-09 Maplewood's nature center request ranks higt on priority list DISPATCH1975 10-14 Dispatch agreement is pending REVIEW1975 10-14 MAA may lose city funding REVIEW1975 10-14 Maplewood adopts 1976 budget REVIEW1975 10-14 Policewoman seeks same pay as men DISPATCH1975 10-16 Maplewood adopts 28% higher budget DISPATCH1975 10-21 Bruton proclaims United Nations Day REVIEW1975 10-21 Citizens divided on Holloway proposal REVIEW1975 10-21 Commission says men should take same test DISPATCH1975 10-21 Consultants advise Maplewood to continue retail water pact REVIEW1975 10-21 Maplewood PCSC sought Spannaus opinion on rule change REVIEW1975 10-21 Three candidates vie for council seat REVIEW1975 10-23 City to phase out funding for MAA DISPATCH1975 10-23 Consultant says Maplewood should continue with retail water system DISPATCH1975 10-23 Fire station site acquisition okayed DISPATCH1975 10-28 Beam avenue rezone effort snarls again REVIEW1975 10-28 League of Women Voters reaffirm Plan B support REVIEW1975 10-28 Maplewood seeks another mall area zoning solution DISPATCH1975 10-28 Police commission approves statement on sex bias suit REIVEW1975 10-30 Council: Zoning, streets are biggest headaches DISPATCH1975 10-30 Maplewood park project ranks high REVIEW1975 10-30 Zoning, streets are biggest headaches DISPATCH1975 11-04 Maplewood establishes south area fire station REVIEW1975 11-04 Maplewood protests failure to increase city's state aid DISPATCH1975 11-11 Citizens would be "disruptive" on commission, chairman says REVIEW1975 11-11 Citizens would be "disruptive" on commission, chairman says REVIEW (2)1975 11-11 Council approves Maple Wheel road access despite protests REVIEW1975 11-11 Greavu, Wiegert win, return to city coundil REVIEW1975 11-11 Maplewood: County is ducking out on Maryland Avenue improvements DISPATCH1975 11-11 The largest street sign DISPATCH1975 11-11 Water system study ordered DISPATCH1975 11-13 Citizen protests rejection to serve on commission DISPATCH1975 11-13 Maplewood to require car dealer to control runoff DISPATCH1975 11-13 Maplewoods's Design Review Board upset over council's sign approvals DISPATCH1975 11-18 Bruton proclaims "Bible Week" REVIEW1975 11-18 Greavu literature called misleading REVIEW1975 11-18 Maplewood approves 3 liquor licenses REVIEW1975 11-18 Park commission to study proposals for old farm REVIEW1975 11-25 Circuit-breaker to ease taxpayers' burden in '76 REVIEW1975 11-25 Maplewood lists Southlawn, Maryland avenues for state aid REVIEW1975 11-25 Maplewood receives "A" on municipal bond sale REVIEW1975 11-25 Proposed court consolation worries Maplewood officials REVIEW1975 11-25 Reduced aid for center may free some city funds REVIEW1975 11-25 Stop signs called dangerous REVIEW1975 12-02 Bike Safety REVIEW1975 12-02 Hearing to consider easing tower height restrictions DISPATCH1975 12-02 Maplewood sets hearing Dec. 11 REVIEW1975 12-02 Minor development plan adopted REVIEW1975 12-02 Plan to reduce urban courts criticized DISPATCH1975 12-02 Winter driving tips offered by Schaller REVIEW1975 12-08 Park unit applicants are needed REVIEW1975 12-09 Municipality Fire Poster Contest REVIEW1975 12-09 State turns down city's levy exception request REVIEW1975 12-11 Paramedic program threatened DISPATCH1975 12-16 Bruton calls for Ramsey government study group REVIEW1975 12-16 Commission to offer Beam rezone alternates REVIEW1975 12-16 Human Relations Commission considering sexism issue REVIEW1975 12-16 Maplewood contracts for animal control REVIEW1975 12-16 Maplewood leads in take-home cars DISPATCH1975 12-16 Maplewood lists P&R vacancies REVIEW1975 12-16 Police call pact signed REVIEW1975 12-16 Positions open on city boards REVIEW1975 12-16 Proposed residential estates zoning plan attacked DISPATCH1975 12-16 Water trade reps to meet Maplewood REVIEW1975 12-22 No St. Paul approves dispatching contract DISPATCH1975 12-22 Policewoman will be offered patrol job DISPATCH1975 12-23 Collier named to LMM board REVIEW1975 12-23 Maplewood woman to receive police promotion REVIEW1975 12-29 Maplewood's sewer rate hike likely DISPATCH1975 12-30 Aid for paramedics REVIEW1975 12-30 Aid for paramedics bleak, lawmakers say REVIEW1975 12-30 Cut trees near Union Cemetary REVIEW1975 12-30 Maplewood awards newsletter contract REVIEW1975 12-30 Maplewood hikes ambulance fees REVIEW1975 12-30 Maplewood okays utility budget REVIEW1975-11-04 Maplewood leans toward retail water contract REIVEW